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This is straight dialogue cause I'm lazy tbh but  yea might be a lil description here and there.
"Baby what are we doing for Christmas?" I asked Cheryl as she typed on her Macbook.

"TT, my love thanksgiving hasn't even made it yet."

"Okay but CHRISTMAS." I said looking at her with a pout.

"Mommy?! Momma?!" Our 8 year old ran into our room.

"Yes my Prince ?" Cheryl moved her computer to the side.

"I'm ready for Christmas."

"Me too bub."

"Oh my god what is wrong with you too?!" Cheryl said laughing." Do we not just care about thanksgiving?"

Domo, our son and I just looked at each other before answering.

"Ehhh thanksgiving is just eating with family we barely like BUT Christmas is- Domo huh?" Cheryl asked.

"We spend thanksgiving with grandma Penelope and granddad Clifford and all they do is talk shit about our family."

He does have a point babe." I shrugged.

"I know but it's still good that we celebrate with them and at least try to get along.We have to show them that what they say doesn't hurt us."

"I guess you're right." He said jumping into our bed,cuddling us.

"Alrighty now please go pack your bag Uncle Kev is on his way to pick you up so you can spend time with your cousins." Domo quickly jumped out the bed running.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more TT." She pecked my lips. I pulled her in, grabbing her by her ass.

"Gosh I love your lips." I said winking

"And I love both of yours." Cheryl said, smirking.

"Omg Cheryl you are so nasty."

"Nasty for you and only you my sweets." The doorbell rang, bringing us out of our own little world.

"Domo open the door please, it's uncle Kev and here I come!!"

"How do you know it's him?"

"Cameras duhhh now go." I said slightly.

"There's my favorite nephew!!"

"To be fair I'm your only nephew, it's crazy how I'm the only boy in our family."

"Maybe your parents should have another kid then."

"NOPE DON'T START KEVIN TOPAZ!" Cheryl said walking down the stairs.

"Ahh well if it isn't Mrs.Cheryl Topaz how are you my dear sister in law? And where is Toni?"

"Toni is still upstairs looking at photos and I on the other hand is amazing considering I'm married to the finer Topaz."

"Really? Not this again." He said laughing. "Fangs is the finer sibling."

"Speaking of my dear brother, where is the goofball?" Toni asked, finally coming to join us."

"Hello to you too tones,Fangs took the kids down to your parents for the weekend."

"WAIT ARE WE SPENDING THE WEEKEND WITH GRANNY AND PAWPAW TOPAZ?!" Domo asked, jumping up and down;he adored Toni's parents.

"Yep we are then we'll head back here to spend thanksgiving with the rest of the crew."

"Well let's get going uncle Kev." Domo said, pulling him towards the door.

"Say bye to your parents first."

"Right. Bye mommy bye momma I love you !!! Now let's goooo!! WE GOTTA GO WE GOTTA WE GOTTA!!"

"Okay okay, bye guys love ya talk to you later."

"So what do we do now?" Toni asked, straddling Cheryl.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" I asked, smirking.


"WHAT?! Look how your sitting on me I thought you wanted to fuck."

"No, I just wanna watch a movie damn."

"That's fine with me then."

"Okay great." She said turning on just Jingle Jangle.

"Baby? Really ?"

"What? Christmas is not that far away."

"Fine you better be lucky I love your ass."

"I know it's pretty big isn't it."

"Omg Toni just watch the movie."
How y'all been?

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