Toni Forgets-Angst

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Ehhh I don't think this rlly think this angst but yea..
Not proof read cuz this is to long an I was to lazy
Today was my 18th birthday and I couldn't wait to see my best friend Toni . She always makes my birthday specials for me.

I was getting ready to head to head to school when I got a message from the group chat.

        🇧 🇦 🇩 🇩 🇩 🇮 🇪  🇿🤪🌈🙄🖕🏽
Fag king👑🏳️‍🌈-Cher girly todays your day!! Cant wait, see you later sexy.
                                Thanks Kev xoxo
Gay in denial🌈🚫- Yes totally argue with Kev, we are for sure gonna get wasted like it just wouldn't be right if we didn't🤷🏽‍♀️
                                       Agreed V🤣
Blondie Miss Perf👱🏻‍♀️- I'll stay sober tonight for the sake of everyone

TT🤞🏽❤️- Uhh I don't remember planning anything for tonight but I'm done with whatever😅

Archie the 🐻- LOL
                                               RIGHT LOL
Gay in denial🌈🚫- totally LMAO right now TONI🤣🤣

I shut my phone off ignoring Toni childish acts and continued to get ready. Of course im wearing my signature color.

I got the keys to my white Jeep and made my way to school

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I got the keys to my white Jeep and made my way to school. As I was driving I got a FaceTime call from Londyn, my girlfriend.


"Aww thank you baby, what do we have planned after school?"

"That my love I can not tell you but as soon as you get to school meet me in THE classroom so I can give you your first gift." She said smirking. I blew her a kiss and hung up.

What the gang were saying in the group chat was kind of confusing.

I know we didn't plan anything today or at least I thought and I'm sure it's not nobody's birthday or anniversary.

I shrugged the feeling off and started getting ready for school. I decided to wear a green lacy top and black pants. (Just like what she wore in 6x05)

I finally made it to school parking my black corvette next to Cheryl's car like I always do. I grabbed my bag and walked towards the front entrance.

Since it was still early class ain't started yet so I tried looking for Cheryl but I couldn't find her anywhere.I walked out of the gym bumping into to Kevin.

"Oh shit, what the hell Kev."

"Bitch you bumped into me. Maybe you should stop texting and pay attention to where you going." He said rolling his eyes.

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