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I ain't write this my best did SH3R33

Cheryl's POV
I woke up to a huge pile of water being dumped on my face and for a second I thought I was drowning.

I immediately shot up and started coughing. I then heard Toni's voice.

"Guys I said a little bit of water, not a whole pool" she yelled, pushing her way through everybody.

"This was your idea?" I asked her.

"No, it was Veronica's but I told them they could only pour a little bit" she laughed, looking innocent as ever.

"I'm so getting you back for this" I smirked .

"Oooooh Toni's getting some dick lateR!" Betty and Veronica cheered.

"Everybody get out so I can shower" I said, pushing everybody out, except Toni .

"Go turn the water on" Toni said and I gave her the most confusing look.

"You're not showering with me after you did that" I said while picking an outfit for the day.

"Whyyy notttt" she whined.

"You let them kill me so you don't get to shower with me," I said.

"You did not die" she sassed with her hands on her hips.

"Might as well" I said going into the bathroom and getting in the shower.

About 2 minutes later I felt arms wrap around me and I immediately knew it was Toni .

"I said you couldn't shower with me" I said while turning around and putting my hands on her waist.

"Couldn't resist and this saves water" she said.

"Since when have you cared about saving water?" I asked.

"Since forever, now if you don't mind I have to take a shower" she said putting soap on her towel.

After showering we put our clothes on and met up with everyone else in Kevin and Fangs room.

"About damn time" Jug said, indicating that we took too long.

"Yeah yeah whatever. What are we doing today?" Toni asked.

"We could swim with dolphins and go from there, I can see the dolphin area from here" Ronnie suggested.

"That sounds cool as hell" Sweet Pea said while giving Fangs a high five.


"It's safe to pet them but don't put your hands near their mouth because they will bite" The dolphin instructor informed .

"Baby look I'm petting a dolphin" Toni squealed, looking at the camera .

"I see" I laughed, following her with my camera.


"Okay that was fun and we definitely have to bring the kids here" Archie announced, stepping onto the dock.

"I agree," everyone said at the same time, causing us to laugh.

"We should do another water activity," Betty suggested .

"So volcano tour it is" Kevin said, walking that way

"How are we going to look at volcanoes from water?" I asked.

"A boat dumbass," Sweat Pea explained.

"Shut up pea pod" Toni glared.


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