Mads get Horny

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Madelaine POV
I was on my way to Vanessa trailer since I was done filming for now, I was hoping she could help me with something *wink wink*.

Soon as I walked into her Trailer,I seen her in just her sport bra and her pants half way down with her dick kind of poking out.

"Hey babe you"I said straddling her lap,tracing my fingers fingers up and down her abs.

"And your looking like a full course meal"she said stroking my thighs.

"Well why don't you taste this meal Mhm" I whispered in her ear biting it softly as I pulled away.

"But bae we are in my trailer anybody could hear us'

"Well we just gotta be quiet now so please fuck me im horny as fuck for that big dick of yours"

"Say less then" she immediately attached her lips onto my while sliding her hands my shirt squeezing my boobs.

"Mhm" I moan into her mouth. She picked me up and carried to the bed that is in the back of her trailer.

"You have to be quiet do you hear me"

"Yes now come on and fuck me"she removed my shirt and pants leaving me in a matching lace set.

She slowly moved her fingers down to my core slightly pressing her thumb against it. Making me moan out in pleasure.

"I need- Mhmm- more" I could practically feel her smirking against my neck. I then felt her stick two digits inside of me.

"OOHH DAMNN BA-BABY" I felt her fingering me faster as she kept hitting my g-spot.

"You like when daddy finger you mhm"

"Yes-yessss moreee dad-daddyyy moree" she removed her fingers making me whimper but replaced them with her tongue.

"WAITTTT" she immediately stopped what she was doing.

"Why what's wrong mamas" I could see how concerned she was and I loved that about her.

"Nothing I wanna......ride you and why the hell do you have on all these damn clothes" I took her pants and boxers throwing them on the floor then I removed her sport bra squeezing her boobs

"Mhmmm babygirl" I smirked at her then quickly pushed her onto the bed slowly crawling on top of her. I started slowly stroking her big dick then start sucking it.

"Damnnn.....I love give the be-best head babe" she said in between grunts. I removed my lips from around her dick. I inserted her dick inside of me adjusting before starting moving.

"Y-yes" she moaned into my mouth holding my hips.

"Mhmmm-You're so tight babygirl" she husked in my ear.

"All for you baby" I moaned. I started moving up and down making us both moan.

"F-faster" she moaned. I sped up my movements.

"Ughhh that feels good daddy" I moaned feeling myself become close already. We haven't been able to have sex in weeks due to filming.

The knot below my stomach kept building and building while Vanessa eyes were rolling to the back of her head.

"I'm close baby" I moaned.

"Cum for me babygirl" she hummer and I came undone.

"I'm close" she moaned but I didn't move

"I'm cumming" she yelled and I felt all of her juices fill me up .

She moaned loudly as the rest of her cum spilled inside of me.

She lifted myself off of her and plopped on the bed.

"I'm on birth control baby" I said kissing her cheek.

"You scared me there for a moment" she huffed while standing up and I tried to do the same but fell back down.She laughed while coming to help me up.

"You piece of shit" I said while she carried me into the bathroom .

"But who asked to be fucked" she asked rubbing my sides.

"Oh shut up" I said

"It's quiet now ain't no back talk" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"You be on tiktok to much love"

"Yea I know-YOU GUYS NEED TO BE  ON SET IN 10 JUST MAKE IT BEFORE  3:15 PLEASE " one of the camera people said poking their heads through the door.

"Oh shit" we both said at the time
sumnerc3 Thank you for the idea :)
I would have publish this yesterday but I was having problems with wifi

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