Pregancy by the Bully

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Madelaine was the popular gir in school had girls and boys running after even though she did dress masculine that didn't stop them.

Vanessa wasn't so popular but she was well known, not to many people were tanning after her. She and Madelaine weren't close because Madelaine would bully the girl every chance she got but, for some reason that just made the  smaller girl want her more. Madelaine would only bully the girl because she was in love with her and have been since they were freshman's and the two are now seniors.
Vanessa POV

"No Michael I know she doesn't like me what's the point of even trying the girl is my bully I would be crazy if I tried to get with her" I said running my hands through my hair.

"Okay but have you ever thought that she bully you because she possibly likes you as well" Michael said rubbing my back.

"Hey there dork" Madelaine said pushing me against the lockers.

"HEY YOU GOTTA- Just stop Michael it's fine" I said rubbing my friends back.

"What's he supposed to be your little bodyguard your pathetic" I didn't pay Madelaine any attention.I was just trying to keep Michael calm so he wouldn't try to fight her

"Okay if you say so I'll see you after school right"

"Nope going home to study" he nodded his hug. We hug and went out separate ways

I was now sitting in my class just sketching when I felt someone rub my thigh causing me to jump.

"Calm down princess I won't hurt you" I was really shocked to see that Madelaine was being nice so nice to me, she was never like this before.

"I- umm- what are you doing t-t-touching me" damn it why am I stuttering.

"Come with me to the bathroom I need to talk to you"

"Why should I do what you say when your nothing but a bitch towards me do you not remember what just happened a few minutes ago" I asked with a raise brow.

"I'm not go hurt you do you want me to pinky promise" I gave her skeptical look but held my pinky out for her to link.

"Pinky promise" we both said in unison. I let her leave first so the teacher wouldn't get suspicious. I water five minutes before I officially left.

"Hurry up and tal-Cheryl slammed me against the wall earning me to moan out in pleasure

"Mhm you like that huh princess"

"Get off of me" she removed herself off me while just smiling at me. This is the first time I've ever seen her smile. Oh boy she was even more sexy when she smiled.

"So tell me why is my BULLY talking to me in the bathroom and not to mention your being nice to me"

"Because I like you and I've like you for some time now I just didn't know how to tell you so seeing everybody else bullying you I just figured I'd do the same" she said scratching her neck awkwardly.

"Even though its wrong to like your bully....I like you"

"You do" she asked picking me up.

"Yes I do now please put me down Mads" I said chuckling a little.

"How about you come to my place after school and we and study"

"Sure I'd love too"

"Great umm give me your phone and text you my address" we exchange numbers and headed back to class.
After school (I was being lazy so no smut)

"Cum in me daddy....I'm-MHMMM I'm on the pi-pull" I said in between moans.

"As you wish princess" Madelaine shoot her long thick ropes inside of my now sensitive pussy.

"Wheww that's was great" I said as I tried to catch my breath.

"It was Nessa but I don't want this to be a one time thing I really like you like a lot so please let me take you out on a date tomorrow"

"I don't want this to be a one time thing either I really see us working so I'll take you up on that offer" I said pecking her lips.

"Great How about we get breakfast before school and then we can go to the drive in after school"

Weeks later
Me and Vanessa have been talking for about a few weeks now but we have yet to make it official but I was planning on doing it today .

I was standing at her locker when some girl Taylor came up to me.

"Hey Mads so I was thinking maybe you me can head to pops after school like on a date" she asked me fidgeting with her fingers. She's a pretty girl but I only have eyes for Vanessa.

"Yea No I'm sorry but I have a girlfriend wait speaking of girlfriend here go my amazing queen right here" I said pulling Vanessa into my embrace.

"Hey babe whose this"

"Taylor this is my girlfriend I was telling you about so now can you leave bye bye now" she stomped away with an attitude but I could care less.

"Mhm so I'm your girl now huh" I could feel my checks turn bright red. Brighter then my hair color.

"Yea I was gonna be more romantic and ask you during our date but aye things happen" I laughed nervously.

"I would love to be your girlfriend" she said smiling but it quickly went away as if she rem something.

"What's wrong baby you look stress"

"Well I have some to tell you but I do t of I should you here at school"

"You can tell me anything I'll be by your side throw thick and thin"

"Well I'm pregnant"
I'm not sure if anybody as written anything like this but if they have @ them so I can give them their credits

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