The One were Travelaine are Together PT2

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Madelaine POV
So it's been a few days since I seen Vanessa it's like after that whole date thing with me and Travis she just forgot about me and I was determined to figure out why so I kept calling and texting her until she decided to respond

(Nessa❣️/ Mads🥺💔)

Nessa❣️: What do the want Madelaine ?

Mads🥺💔: Why are you so mad at? Why have you just been avoiding me?

Nessa❣️: I'm not avoiding you I just don't want to talk to you simple as that.

Mads🥺💔 Let me come over and make it up to,please🥺

Nessa❣️: I'm sure Travis wouldn't want that😒

Mads🥺❣️: Well idc I miss my bestie so I'm coming over and we are going to talk about what's going on

I grabbed my keys and immediately started driving to Vanessa house Travis was in the studio getting ready to film for his podcast so I wasn't worried about him

After a couple minutes of driving I finally pulled up to Nessa house it took my a few seconds to knock because I was so nervous but I finally knocked on the door

"He-oh it's you Madelaine"she said with an annoyed voice

"I'm glad to see you too"

"Ohh the sarcasm I hear it what do you want" she asked stepping outside closing her door

"I think we should talk about us-but see that's the thing there is no us so why would we talk about *us*" she putting air quotes around us

"Ughh I just want to know why have you been acting this way since me and Travis got together"

"You really want to know Madelaine"

Yess that's all I want" I said looking directly into her eyes

"I am inlove with you and it's hurt so fucking bad because I know I will never be able to call you mine knowing Travis gets to be all under you calling you babe holding your hand that shit fucking hurts so much and THEN you know what's worse you do WHAT EVER THE FUCK TRAVIS SAY we did everything together Madelaine but then Travis comes along and then everything changes he doesn't want me to hang out with you guys and what do you do you got damn listen to him because your like his fucking dog on a got damn leash and yes I know you don't like or love me in that way but it still hurts Madelaine"

"Vanessa I- I don't know what to say why didn't you say something soo-oh uhh I need to go Travis says need me home we finish this later" I asked

"No we won't Madelaine see what I mean your always doing WHAT HE TELLS YOU if your gonna keep doing that then just don't even bother talking to me now just leave because if you don't even care about my feelings or how I feel" she tried turning around to walk away but I grabbed her arm

"I do care about you always have and always will and Really all over because of my boyfriend"

"Yes now go Madelaine I don't wanna talk to you anymore you've made your decision now I'm making mine I have to get over you and the only I can do that is by going on this date that I have in a few and just giving you space "

"Woowww a date well At least let me meet him"

"I'll think about" she rolled her eyes and walked back into her home

I can't believe I just lost my bestfriend all because I was being selfish but I know I have to make it up to her
I was thinking about making this into book since I have so many ideas for it but I think imma keep it in my one-shot cause if I made it into a book it wouldn't be long enough
It'll just have a lot of parts to it:)

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