The Part where Vanessa Ask for Forgiveness

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I'm currently laying in bed thinking about how I'm going to explain this to Madelaine I messed up but However I tell her I hope she would forgive me

"Good morning Daddy" our 3 year old son said sitting on the bed

"Good morning baby boy how did you sleep"I asked picking him up and heading downstairs

"I slept good can we go see mommy today I miss her"

"Yea we can Buddy"

"Okay" he said taking a sip of his orange juice
Mads parents house

Here we are finally at Mads parents house I know she probably doesn't want to see me right now but I don't care I just want to make things right

I knocked on the door about three times before Toni  finally came to answer it

"Oh I thought you would be out with another female this time" I could hear the sarcasm in her voice

"Baby I can explain just let me come in and talk about what you saw" I said while she went upstair

"Sure even though I know what I saw but whatever and hey my baby-boy " I'm kind of nervous I'm pretty sure she already told her parents and I honestly don't feel like hearing whatever they gotta say

"Hey mommy I missed you"

"Well mommy is gonna come home because she missed you more"

"Hello Vanessa Hey Royal how's grandma baby been" she asked kneeling down to the younger Morgan

"Hey Amanda and Nick"

"I been good can I get some candy pwase" he asked clapping his hands Amanda nodded her hand and carried him to the kitchen

"Well okay I'm going to head to the guest room room since I'm guessing Madelaine might be in there"

"Umm Vanessa I think you two should try fixing things later she told us how she caught ring shopping with another woman" her father  said with a raised brow

"It wasn't like that the other female was my friend Vero she was helping me pick out a ring so I could propose to Madelaine"

"Oh well damn we are so foolish to think you would actually cheat on her"

"Yea I love her to much to do that and plus I wouldn't wanna do that to my son or her" he nodded his head and I made my way to the room

"Babygirl let me explain what you show trust me it's not what you think" I said walking through the door

"For what I know what I saw and that girl was being to touchy in my opinion" she said propping herself up on the bed

"No you don't know what you saw and she only touched my shoulder but let just explain please I don't like when we fight" I told her with a pout

"Okay fine  5 minutes"

"Okay so the girl you saw me with her name was Vero and she was just helping buy a ring so I could propose to you"

"You- you were gonna pro-propose to me" she asked walking towards me

"Yes babe I was but you just had to be at the mall at the same time as me damn it" she walked closer wrapping her hands around my waist rubbing my back

"It's okay babe it's my fault I shouldn't jumped to conclusions I'm sorry you forgive me right"

"Of course I could never be mad at my princess" I gave her a peck on the lips causing her to smile

"I love you Mi Amor"

"I love you more but are you still gonna propose"

"Not now since you kind of ruined the surprise but imma do it just when you least expect it"

I pulled her into a very heated kiss sliding my hands under her shirt playing with her boobs

"No babe our family it literally downstairs" Madelaine said trying to back away

"Okay and I just want a quickie let me taste that bomb pussy of yours " she gave in she locked the door and went to lay on the bed

I hovered her sliding my hands in her pants feeling how wet she was I then removed all of clothes Kissing her lips while rubbing my fingers over her folds

"Babyyyy hurry up" I immediately started sucking on her clit causing her too moan

"Faster babe" I started sucking faster inserting two fingers inside of her going at a fast pace

"I-I'm gonna c-cum" I went even faster feeling her walls tighten around my fingers

"Cum on fingers mamas" I felt her cum all over my fingers and gladly licked her clean

"Think we have enough time for me to get dick down" she asked with pout I just chuckled at her

"No our family is downstairs remember" she whined liked a little baby  but she put her clothes back on and we went downstairs
How y'all been today??
This was kinda rushed soo if u see some mistakes sorry

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