Better Together then Apart

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Cheryl Bombshell.The red headed bitch in charge. Everyone knew her and not to dare mess with her but nobody really knew Cheryl Blossom. The redhead who desperately craved love and affection and not just that shitty type love where your partner just played you and used you for their pleasure but the type of love that you can cuddle in bed with every night, share random kisses no matter where you are, share hugs.She wanted this but was never able to receive it.

Not even Cheryl's twin brother Jason showed her that sibling type love, he was the golden child so as long as he got what he wanted nothing else mattered not even the sister he spent nine months in the womb with. Cheryl was everyone's last problem, last thought nobody dared to think about her unless it was needed and that happened every once in a blue moon.

It wasn't always like this. When Cheryl came out as lesbian at the age of 13 everything changed

"Mommy? Daddy? I have something to tell you and it's very important."

"Aright dare have a seat then." A young Penelope said.

"Well, I have been having these feelings,like crushes-Cher dear if your crushing on a little boy that's fine my sweet." Clifford said trying to comfort his only daughter the daughter he would do anything for and don't you dare try to lay a hand on her because then you would be 6ft under.

"See daddy that's the thing. I don't have a crush on any boys........

"No." Her mother whispered afraid of what her daughter was about to say. Hoping she would say anything but liking girls because she forbids to have a dyke as a daughter.

"I have uhm I been crushing on girls."

"No,nonsense child. You like boys! Do you hear me! Girls like boys,YOUNG WOMAN LIKE YOUNG MEN" Clifford said.

"God forbids as if it's girl liking girls.Pack your things you deviant child."

All Cheryl wanted was to be herself ever since the age of 13 but her family would never let her and that broke her into pieces. Hiding, keeping secrets,being sneaky was all she knew how to do and even worse hiding her true feelings, pushing them down. But that one Serpent made her life so much harder but not for the reason you may think.

Now.Antoinette Topaz better yet known as Tiny or even better Toni. She lived on the SouthSide Side. Also being Serpent Queen.people thought she had it easy but really? No she might not have had it bad as Cheryl matter of fact her life no were compared to hers but deep down she just wanted the same thing as Cheryl. Love

She had accepting parents which is good for her but,being Queen she had so much to worry about and all she wanted was for someone to hug really tight and whisper in her ear how everything would be okay and that she didn't have to lead a whole gang by herself,rather if it was true or not.

But what she wanted the most was Cheryl Blossom but would never have the chance due to how much her family hated blossoms but that didn't stop her from wanting to be with the ginger and actually get to know her. It started to work for a month to be exact and they had already talked for months before and not to mention already knew one another for years but Cheryl couldn't handle it so she did what she did best..........

See Toni didn't want Cheryl Bombshell the Cheryl who was always a bitch to anybody who just looked at her the wrong way and Cheryl knew this but was too afraid but Toni wanted the Cheryl that was broken and to scared to admit how she really felt deep down.She was willing to put her all into a relationship because deep down Toni knew she was the one made for Cheryl.

So that leads us to now...........

"Cheryl, stop !! I can see right through you. We've known each other for years. We talked for months then we basically dated for a month." Toni said, trying to grab Cheryl's hands but she quickly snatched them away.

"No! Get your sapphic serpent hands off of my body." Cheryl didn't wanna say it, she hated being mean to Toni but since she had never actually had love it was hard for her to see that Toni was really trying to help and comfort her.

"Why? Why are you doing this? Baby please."

"I'm not your baby so please don't call me that. What we had was simply just a fling and whatever I said to you back then was a lie." Toni just looked at her with no expression, no nothing. Cheryl was trying to figure out what was going on in Toni's head, what was she thinking?

"You're lying. I know It.I can look into those beautiful green eyes and say it."

"No Antoinette, what I'm saying is nothing but the truth and I mean it with everything in my body.

"Look me in my eyes and say you don't love me. Stare into my hazel eyes and say I have never made you feel so appreciated." Look DIRECTLY into my eyes and TELL me you hate that I came into YOUR life and that I made it so much worse then what it was before.

She said so calmly and that made Cheryl scared but also she couldn't do it. Cheryl couldn't dare look into Toni's eyes and say all those things because if she did she would break down crying.

"Toni I- no call me by my first name, I want you to say Antoinette I never loved you,never did and never will .Say it"

Now the two girls were just staring at each other. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Cheryl wanted to speak, she wanted to say all those things but her body, her mouth wouldn't let her. It was like she was being controlled like she was a puppet waiting for someone to make her talk.

"You can't say it, can you?" Toni asked slowly, grabbing her lover's hand. Cheryl just looked at her with a sad expression.

"I'm so sorry TT." You're right,I can't do it.She said breaking down into Toni arms and of course Toni was right there to catch her just like she always would be. No matter how stubborn she chose to get or if she tried to build her walls back up Toni would always be there to reassure her that what they have is real.Every.Step.Of.The.Way.

"It's okay baby, let it out." The serpent said, rubbing her back.leaving kisses on her forehead and saying sweet things in her ear.

" I wanna be with you TT I do."

"What's stopping you baby? Let's run away together!! Just you and me. We'll even go wherever you want."

"Just you and me?"

"Just you and me baby." Toni said, pulling back looking into those green eyes she adores oh so much." Please? We're better together then apart

"Yea. Let's do it." Blossom said laughing. "Us against the world.

"Us against the world."

And that's what they did. Left Riverdale to start their new and better life just the two of them. They wouldn't have it any other way.

Why did they do it? Because nobody could love the duo more then they loved each other.

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