Not Michcael Myers(Kopech)

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Vanessa is not pregancy
This might be short
Vanessa and Madelaine has been together for a year now ever since Michael vanished Madelaine knew it was her time to shoot her shot and lucky for her she didn't miss

Everything was going great for the couple until a week before filming for season five of Riverdale

"Hey baby what are you looking at" the redhead asked the shorter girl

"Oh nothing just scrolling on Instagram liking fan pages edits and reposting them"

"Well I was hoping I could spoil you today" Madelaine loves spoiling me even when I tell her not too

"Baby n-*knock knock* did you invite someone over and didn't tell me"

"Umm no I had plans to take you out today" Madelaine went to open the door leaving me in the living room by myself I started to get worried but the I heard yelling and screaming coming from outside so I rushed to the door



"Omg Vanessa there you are please come back to me" I was shockedi haven't seen Michael in almost two years and now he wants to come back for what

"I- umm how did you find our address"

"Travis and I have become very close and I asked him for you guys address"

"What the fu-Mads calm down but Michael I don't want you I'm not inlove with you anymore you left me and then filled for divorce IN TEXAS your always running from your problems MAN THE FUCK UP AND GROW SOME DAMN BALLS"

"And I need to calm down but Michael please leave and don't come back don't even contact us and if your staying here in LA if you see us don't even look at us keep walking and pretend like we don't exist"

"No I'm not leaving because Vanessa is much more happier with me your just some rebound she's just using you to get over me"

"Well you've left me no trust" Madelaine just pushed him out the door and locked him out

"Whew now that his gone what would you like to do my love" I just smirked at her

"Well you know you looked very sexy while yelling at that child who tried coming into our home"

" you look hotter too babes"

"How-she picked me up and I quickly wrapped my legs around her waist pulling her into a passionate kiss which turned heated pretty quickly

"D-damn b-b-baby let's go up-up stairs" she said trying to contain her moans

"Well what are you waiting for make love to me...Daddy" I said while smirking and she took me upstairs and throw me on the bed

"Eager are we"

"Of course your sexy as fuck mamas" she ripped me close off and quickly attached her lips to my breast

"The whole night was just filled with loud moaning and me screaming Mads name
I didn't write smut for this chapter butttt look hear me out the last chapter the one where Toni has a son the next part part 3 will have smut and then I'll have another chapter that's just full of smut

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