The Part When Michael Comes Back

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I am currently laying in bed with Vanessa she is sleeping right now and let me tell you she looks like a goddess when she sleeps and it's currently 3 am I can't go back to sleep so I'm just laying here scrolling on Instagram until I hear Vanessa phone go off I wouldn't mind if I was like just going off once but no it keeping going off so I get it to see whose texting her and I couldn't believe it

It was Michael I honestly do not like him when him and Nessa were together all I thought about was her being with me even though I hyped they relationship I hated it Michael has commitment problems and when he proposed to Vanessa after only year of dating I knew it wouldn't last and I was right

It was Michael I honestly do not like him when him and Nessa were together all I thought about was her being with me even though I hyped they relationship I hated it Michael has commitment problems and when he proposed to Vanessa after only year o...

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I was so frustrated with him that I didn't even notice Vanessa had started to wake up

"Hey what's wrong babe" she asked with a worried look on her face

"Oh nothing baby I'm good do you want me to make you breakfast"

"No I wanna go out for breakfast " she hadn't checked her phone yet but as soon as she did I'm pretty sure she would upset

"Okay well let's get ready princess" I said kissing her lips and then her belly
At breakfast(Vanessa POV)
While Mads was getting ready I had went through my messages messaging people back but one message Stood our to me and it was Michaels so now I know why Mads was a little frustrated this morning.

"Babe why didn't you tell me about Michael when I asked you what was wrong"

"I-uhh I just didn't want you to stress out you know stress isn't good for the baby and I knew If u read them for yourself it wouldn't had made you mad" she said rubbing my stomach

"It still would have been better if you told me and I love how you called my baby our son I love you" I said interlacing our hands

"I love you way more princess" I pulled her to a passionate kiss causing to break away so we could order
At the mall
Madelaine brought me to the mall to buy a few baby things and a few things for myself we were in baby R us looking for some baby shoes then Mads whispered something in my ear

"Babygirl we should leave now"

"Why" I asked with pout

"Because I said" she with a stern look on her face and honestly I just wanted her to fuc-omg not now Vanessa

"Fine but can we get these"

"Of course mamas we just need to hurry up and leave" we got everything I picked out and left the store but I couldn't help but noticed how Mads kept looking behind so I decided to ask her when we got home we drove home in comfortable silence as Madelaine hand was rested on my thigh
At home

"Baby why were you worried about at the mall" I asked as she motioned for me to sit on her lap


"Vanessa come down I didn't want to worry you ok-she was interrupted but a knock on the door so I got up and went to answer it

"Ughhh Michael How did you find our home" I asked with annoyed tone

" I came to get wife back"

"BITCHHHHHHH you filled for divorce so we aren't married nor together anymore"

"Okay but I made a mistake I regret-MAMAS WHO IS IT" Madelaine asked cutting him off and coming to stand in the doorframe

"Michael really how did you find our house" she asked rolling her eyes

"Well after we made eye contact in the mall I decided to follow you guys"He said with a smirk

"Well you got to see Vanessa so just leave and don't come back stress isn't good for my son" Mads said rolling her eyes

"My so-nope once you left Vanessa he stopped being your son when you filled for a divorce and then ran to Texas he stopped being your son while you were being to scared to man up and do your job as a fucking man you lost the opportunity to call him your son so please leave and I will not ask you again I will just call the police" I was so I left Madelaine and Michael to continue that little conversation
Madelaine POV
Vanessa left me to talk to Michael I could she was getting tired of so I didn't question her

"Oh and when MY son is born I will be adopting him"

"Yea whatever I'll be back so enjoy your little entanglement" he said walking off laughing I just rolled my eyes and went to check on Nessa she was fast asleep on the couch so I picked her up bridal style and carried her to our room and gently laid her down

"I love you princess and I love you too my prince I'll do anything to make sure your safe and well taken care of"

"Mhm We love you too babe"
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