Who do I love PT 2

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So it's been a few weeks since me and Toni got pretty close and these feelings I have for her wasn't going anywhere I know she has a girlfriend but I can easily change that.Today was the day that I was going to tell my boss I couldn't do as he asked I was pretty scared but I have no other choice

"Hey Cheryl What did you want to talk about" Hirm asked looking directly into my eyes

"I-I umm I can't kill Toni" I said looking away


"I'm sorry but I can't kill her and I won't do it"

"Well you listen here if you don't do what I said I'll have both of you dead do you hear me"


"Now get out" I'm not gonna lie that went a little better then I expected but now I just have to find a way to protect the love of my life
Toni POV

Today I was planning on ending things with Veronica she has been very distant lately maybe she was jealous that me and Cheryl had been spending so much time together but I always made time for her though welp I've already made my mind up she should be over in any minute

"Hey babe what did you wanna talk about" Veronica walked in texting someone

"Hey who are you texting"

"I- Umm nobody" I could tell she was lying

"Well I think we should break up you've been very distant lately and I know you might be jealous of me and Cheryl getting closer but I've always made time for you but you never made time for me"

"I-I Cheated on you" Ronnie said looking down

"YOU WHAT !?! TELL ME YOUR LYING" I said on the verge of crying "

"I-I it just happened I wasn't thinking"

"I would never cheat on you it never crossed my mind yes I was spending a lot of time with Cheryl but I would always make time for you I would ask you do you Wanna go out while you were distancing your self and now I see why I was trying my hardest to be with you"

"Babyyyyyyyy I'm sor*knock* knock* I went to open the door only to reveal Cheryl standing there

"Hey Ton-OMG WHY ARE YOU CRYING" Cheryl asking rubbing to give me a hug of course I hugged back

"Ugh Hey Cheryl what are you doing here" Ronnie said rolling her eyes

"Ronnie don't have an attitude because your sorry ass cheated"

"Damnnnnn your bitch ass cheated that's cold as fuck"

"Bitch mind your fucking business this is between me and my girlfriend-Ex girlfriend I said cutting her off

"Really so your ending things all off of one mistakes you know what whatever bye"

Once she left I just broke down crying into Cheryl arms and this how we spent the night Cheryl just holding me while I cried into her arms she never left me and that's when I knew my heart was never with Ronnie it was always with Cheryl from the day I meet her in Starbucks
Cheryl POV

So it's been a few weeks since Toni broke up with Veronica and we have gotten even closer I even decided to tell her about the whole killing situation

"Umm TT I need to tell you something and you might get mad at me"

"Umm what is it your scaring me" she said with a fake chuckle

" okay so I work for Hiram Lodge and I do most of his dirty work my last job from his was to kill but I couldn't do it so once I told him that I wouldn't kill this person he got mad and basically threw a fit"

"Who was the person"

"I-It was Y-You" I said looking down


"No no no not at all at first it was me just getting close to you but then when you first spent the night with me I knew I had feelings for You so the next day I told Hiram I wouldn't do it and he didn't like it but I don't care because I'm in L-Love with you and I know it might be to soon but- I was cut off when I instantly felt her lips against mine and immediately kissed back

"It's not okay that you basically lied to me this entire time but the feeling isn't just one sided"

"Well I'm glad but will you officially become my princess" I asked with a pout

"I would love too but what about Hiram"

"I will talk to him and since you and Veronica are longer together he probably won't care anymore

"Well take care of that and I would love to be your princess" she said giving me a kiss on the lips
At Hiram office

I would be lying if I said wasn't scared or nervous to be honest I'm fucking freaking out inside but I just need to calm down I'm sure he won't care anymore since the only reason he wanted her dead was cause she dated Veronica

"So hey Hiram how you been"

"Cut the crap what do u want" he said rolling his eyes

"Well as you know I said I wasn't going to kill Toni as you pleased and I'm sticking to that I will not hurt her and I don't care what you have to say about it oh and I quit"

"Well since her and my Mija aren't together anymore it's fine I've put it in the past now get out since you quit" Well someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed he definitely needs to get laid

But now since that is all taken care of I went to get a few things for the love of my life since today is the day she will officially be mine

"Hey princess" I said walking into her house

"CHERRYYYY" she jumped into my arms giving me a peck on the lips

"Well I see you missed me but I have a few things for you so get down because I have an important question to ask" she quicklay got down and sat in the couch

"So since the day I first saw you I knew I was going to be like you then when I actually saw you and we had our first conversation I knew at that moment I was in love with you we are meant to be so will you make the happiest person on earth and becoming my princess off-HELL YESSSSSSS BABYYY" she said jumping back into my arms

"I know you said this already and I didn't say it back but I Toni Topaz am in love with you Cheryl Blossom"

"And I Cheryl Blossom is In love with you"

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