Younger Choni

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I was getting ready to go to class when I saw this cute little girl looking lost so I'm guessing she was new here so I decided to walk up to her and help her

"Hi I'm Cheryl blossom I noticed how you were looking lost maybe I can help you " I told the pretty girl while shaking her hand

"Oh hi there my name is Antoinette but call me Toni and yea I am kind of lost I was looking for Mrs. Johnson class " she chuckled nervously

"It's okay no need to be nervous I was going to that class  anyway that's also my class you can sit with me if you like "

"Mhm I like that let be friends" she asked looking me up and down bitting her lip

"Yea Friends maybe you would like to umm come over to my house I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind"

"I would love too I would just have to ask my dads"

"Dads?- yea is that-It's okay I have two moms" she interlaced our hands and I felt this weird tingling feeling like I don't really know how to explain it but it felt right And I could tell She felt it to because she started to smile

"O-Oh cool ill umm ask my dad when he picks me up later " he said sawing our hands back and forth

"I'll have my mama talk to your dad" she smiled at me

"Deal" we went to Class and just talked every time she gave me a complement
After school
School was now over and now I was walking with Toni to our parents car

"MAMA I made a new friend Toni this is my mama, mama Toni" she wrapped her arms around me causing me to blush once again and I know mama saw it cause she smirked at me

"Hi Toni my name is Hermione nice to-TONI "some man yelled walking towards us

"Oh hey dad this is Cheryl and this is her mom Hermione"

"Nice to meet you Cheryl my name is John" They shook each other hands exchanging a friendly smile

"Sooooo we were wondering if I could go to Cheryl house" Toni asked looking at her dad

"If it's okay with Hermione"

"Yea that's fine" my mama looked at TT giving her a smile

"Can I drop her off later since he has a dentist appointment in a few" they nodded and they exchanged numbers then we left

I figured now would be the good time to tell my  mama how I felt towards Toni

"Uhhh mama I think I like Toni " I told her looking down

"I know babygirl and it's okay" she gave me a gently smile and it made me feel better

"How did you know you liked mom"

"Well before me and your mom got together she was with Uncle Cliff"

"NO WAYY" uncle Clifford was mama Brother he died a few years back

"Yea but they decided to end things so a few months later he Introduced me to your mom and I had this feeling that I had never felt with anybody it was butterflies in my stomach and I was nervous to be around he-HEYYY THATS how I feel around TT"

"Is TT short for Toni"

"Uhh I- Yea but I haven't called her that yet I'm kinda scared she won't like it

"That's cute I'm sure she'll love it and Well that means you like her kiddo and it's okay to like the same gender don't let anyone tell you different okay"

Toni POV
We were heading over to Cheryl house for our play date I was super nervous because I was starting to like her but I was also kind of scared because I didn't know how she would react once I tell her that I'm not normal

I finally arrived to Cheryl houses and my anxiety was going crazy I hope she would still be friends with me some people wouldn't wan to be friends with me an more but it was now or never 

"Hey TT what's wrong you look a little nervous" I blushed at the nickname she gave I found it cute 

"aww I like the nickname I guess I am a little nervous because I have to tell you something" I waved bye to my parent while Cher let me in leading me to her room 

" I like your room I'm guessing red is your fav color" I saw her cheeks turn redder then her hair color 

" Yea I guess you could say that but what did you wanna tell me" 

"Well you see I'm not like everyone else" I said looking everywhere but her eyes

"Its okay look at me whatever it is I won't judge you I promise you that okay" 

"Well you see I wasn't born with the right thing between my legs" her expression changed from worried to  confused 

"Wait ion think I understand correctly"

"I have a dick and I understand if you don't wanna be friends anymore I - I was cut off by her lips on mine she tasted like cherries I wish I could kiss her forever"

"Oh TT you ramble to much it's okay I like you because your nice and sweet and I know we are only 10 but I want to be with you forever" 

"I wanna spend forever with you too" I gave her one more peck on the lips 

" Awww you two are so cute I ship it" some woman who had red hair just like Cher except it was short said 

" You must be Cher mom my name is Toni"

" Yes you got that right but please you can call me Penelope" I nodded my head and turn back looking at Cheryl she is so pretty we then heard Mrs. Blossom 

"Okay so why don't we head  to pops for dinner"

"Last one to the car is rotten egg TT" 


 20 years later 

Cheryl  and Toni have been  together for 10 years and married for two now we have one daughter Zaylee  Topaz who is 4 years old the couple had her when they were just 17 Toni became a lawyer and I became a actor 

"Mommy I hungwey" Zaylee said while not looking up from the screen

"okay babygirl let me count you some fruit then when mama come home I will make dinner" she nodded her head and continued to play on my phone 

"HEY GIRLIES GUESS WHOSE HOME" Zay ran towards the living room to embrace her mother while Cheryl gladly followed her 

"Hey bae how was work" Cheryl asked pecking her wife lips 

"It was good I won the case and my little princess how was your day"

"Movie pwase" the four year old with a pout 

"When we finish eating dinner babes we can watch a movie" The couple kissed their little angel on the forehead and spent the rest of the day having family time

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