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@chonilover13 I wasn't go write it but I figured I'd write it for you 😌 be greatful 😎
Cheryl is currently 6 months pregnant and its time to find out the genders of the baby. It was only just Veggie Jarchie (don't ask why) bughead and Kangs oh and sweet pea and Josie are coming to the gender reveal plus our parents.

And right now we were currently getting ready for the gender reveal party.

"Okay Joy Marie Topaz why are you not dressed young lady" I asked walking into my daughters room.

"Because umm I- I umm- can't even come up with a good lie Mhm" We heard Cheryl voice from behind me.

"Oh mommy I was just about to put my clothes on" I never know why She feared Cheryl more then me. I guess because Cheryl would use her HBIC voice when being serious with her.

"Mhm Miss HBIC is back I see"

"Oh TT not right now I know your trying to seduce me and it won't work maybe later hmm" she asked rubbing her hands up down my chest.

"Ooouuuu so I get to tap this later" I asked air humping. I asked squeezing her ass.

"TT please just finish getting dressed ohh and make sure your little friend is gone before everyone gets here" Cheryl said laughing. I glanced down looking at my boxers only to be meet with Toni Jr.

Well that's just great, I thought to myself.

Well that's just great, I thought to myself

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Joy outfit (with white air forces)

Joy outfit (with white air forces)

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Cheryl outfit

Toni outfit ~~~~~~~"I'm ready mom and momma" I heard Joy call out from her room

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Toni outfit
"I'm ready mom and momma" I heard Joy call out from her room.

"Okay your uncles are in the kitchen along with your grandparents" she nodded her head making her way to the kitchen.

"You look wonderful babygirl" I said causing Cheryl to blush.

"Don't I always TT"

"Of course but this dress makes you incredibly sexy right now I could definitely take you-stop please don't finish that sentence"

"Well should we head downstairs to get this party started "

"Yes we shall" we linked our arms and made our way downstairs to the rest of our family members.

"Ohhhh well look who finally decided to show up to their gender reveal " SweetPea said laughing at his own joke.

"Oh shut it sweets" I said rolling my eyes.

"Okay okay so we have games or do y'all just wanna get to gender- THE GENDER " Joy said cutting Fangs off"

"Well someone is happy about being a big sister"

"Yes indeed Aunt Veronica I'm so happy I'm gonna have not one but two little ones that I can boss around"she said with a wink.


"So I'm team boy whose with me" Cheryl asked looking at everyone .

"Meeeee!!!!!!" Jarchie said smiling.

"So y'all are hoping for two twin boys hmm"


"Well okay then I'm assuming everyone else is team twin girl then" Toni said looking at me

"I'm hoping for both girl and boy" Betty said shrugging her shoulders.

"Okay then ready babygirl"

"Ready as I'll ever be" she nodded and turned back around facing the cake I placed my hand on top of hers as she started cutting the cake everyone was watching us with wide eyes.

"OMGGGG ITS TWINS BOYYYYY "  I shouted dropping the knife and causing Cheryl and Joy to jump into my arms as she wrapped her legs around me,yes I was able to hold them both.

"Hahahahahhaha we were right" cheryl and Jarachie said at the same time.

"Yea yea whatever"Kevin said he sounded upset but he'll be okay.

"I can't believe we are having two little princes"I  said as she unwrapped herself from me

"I know right me either babe I love you so much"

"I love you" she said as I pulled her into a passionate kiss

"What about me huh am I just chopped liver"

"Nooo princess I love you too" I said kissing her forehead.

"AHT AHT little family of three soon to be five so give it a break "sweat pea said pulling us apart from each other

"It's time for baby gifts so come on so you can see what I got my nephew" Josie said pulling Cheryl.

"Okay okay" me and Cheryl said

This chapter choni  are going to break up 🙂 well technically divorce since they're married

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This chapter choni  are going to break up 🙂 well technically divorce since they're married .

kennahsharee dear friend would u please write me some smut I'm to lazy 🥺 I'll love you forever

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