Kinky Cherry pt2

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Y'all might be mad at me towards the end also that's Rebecca ^

"TT calm down and let me explain please" she said sitting on the bed.

"I thought we were bestfriends we told each other everything and yet you get married and didn't tell me why" I said on a verge of tears.

"I wanted to tell you trust me I really did it's just Rebecca wouldn't let me".

"Rebecca is your wife" I asked with a questioning look.


"Mhm well explain then im listening"I sat next to her on the bed but she tried to pull me onto her lap so I sat on the little couch in front of the bed

"Okay so well we haven't been married for long we had been dating for a year a-A YEAR AND YOU DIDNT THINK TO TELL ME ABOUT HER"

"Please Toni let me finish"

"Ugh whatever go on with this dumb ass excuse" I said mumbling the last part so she wouldn't hear

"Okay so like I said we had been dating for a year and it was supposed to be only for business purposes only for the blossoms and the Jackson's but then we actually started catching feeling for each other so our parents thought it would be best to get married"

"What kind of business"

"I can't tell you" she said making eye contact with me

"Why-I was cut off by Cheryl phones ringing and it was the bitch herself Rebecca

"Hey bab-yea I'm home"

"Okay see you in 10"after hearing that I grabbed my belongs and left her house I had so many emotions running through head like how could she be married and not tell me her own bestfriend how could you keep a secret like this for so long

I finally made it home and I just cried myself to sleep

Cheryl POV

Dang it I know I've messed up big time and I could tell I really hurt Toni feelings I really wanted to tell her but I just couldn't and I hate myself so much for it

"Cherbear I'm home" I heard Rebecca say coming through the door

"Hey mamas how was your trip to France"

"It was great I hate you couldn't come but umm I saw a pink haired girl pulling out the drive way just as the sametime I pulled up" she said straddling my lap

"Umm yea that was just my bestfriend Toni"

"You never told me about her you should let me met her that would be nice" Oh no it wouldn't not after what we did before you came I thought to myself

"Uhhh yea I will definitely text her later about it" she smirked then attached her lips onto mine and I happily kissed her back

"You have no idea how much I've messed you" Rebecca said in seductive tone

"Well why don't you show me"

Next day
I woke up with a naked Rebecca laying on top of me so I figured I would text Toni about meeting her


Bestie💔-Rebecca wants to meet you today are you cool with that T ?

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