Madnessa Gender Rveal

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A lil back story; Madelaine siblings did not approve of her and Vanessa relationships even tho they have been married for three years now they still hated the fact she was dating a person of color so they refused to be apart of anything of theirs but they soon change there mind
So today was the day of the gender reveal and I  haven't heard from my siblings since Christmas they hated the fact Vanessa and I were having a baby but I wasn't worried about them they made their decisions not to be apart of of my life cause they didn't like Vanessa and they didn't approve of us having a baby and that's on them

I didn't need them they probably hate me because I was "disrespectful" when they told me I should leave Vanessa because she wasn't no good for me but they can suck my dick for all I care

They were only acting this way because they think since they're 5 years older then me they can just walk all over me but I won't let that happen

"Wifey where do you want this table"

"Uhh put it over there by the plant the one by the back door"

"Okay and when will everyone be here"

"In a few a hours" She said sitting down on the couch
Hours later
Everyone arrived a few hours ago expect my siblings didn't come and we were okay with that we didn't need the negative energy interfering with our gender reveal.

"Sorry your siblings didn't come Mads" Cole said as he walked up behind me

"It's fine Cole they made their decision and we made ours if they didn't want to be in our baby's life or mines anymore that's on them"

"Aye I hear you but I'm going to go talk to Ashleigh " Cole said as he walked off I seen Vanessa and Casey talking so I went over there with them

Hey Mamas  Casey what y'all talking about" I asked as I wrapped my arms around Vanessa

"Hey Mads we were just discussing how I'm going to have you guys find out the gender of your baby"

"Wait why would y'all be talking about that I thought we were just going to pop the ballon you know nice and simple the quicker the better " I asked looking real confused

"Baby be nice we are using the cake to find out the gender we are gonna cut it then these little candies will fall out you know like how I should you " My beautiful wife chuckled turning around hugging closer into my chest

"I am being nice love it's just the quicker everyone leaves the quicker we can Netflix and chill " I said pecking her lips

"No No keep it PG kids" Asha said walking up to us


"So I'm team boy whose with me" I asked looking at everyone

"Meeeee!!!!!!" All the boys said expect for Casey of course he's team girl

"Well okay then I'm assuming everyone else is team girl then" Cami said looking at me and everyone shouted yes

"Okay then ready babygirl"

"Ready as I'll ever be" she nodded and turned back around facing the cake I placed my hand on top of hers as she started cutting the cake everyone was watching us with wide eyes

"OMGGGG ITS A BOYYYYY" Toni shouted dropping the knife and  jumping into my arms as she wrapped her legs around me

" yesssssiiiiirrrrrr we were right" me and the boys said

"Yea yea whatever" Casey said he sounded upset but he'll be okay

"I can't believe we are having a babyboy" Vanessa said as she unwrapped herself from me

"I know right me either babe I love you so much"

"I love you" she said as I pulled her into a passionate kiss

"AHT AHT love birds break it up we don't wanna see you how impregnated Vanessa " drew said pulling us apart from each other

"It's time for baby gifts so come on so you can see what I got my nephew" Fangs said pulling Toni

"Okay okay" me and Vanessa said in unison
Vanessa POV
Everyone was know eating all the couples cuddled up with their significant other and we also had finally finished opening the gifts most of the clothes were gender neutral so that was fine but the baby mostly got toys from everyone

"I can't wait till we do this with our babyboy" I whispered into Madelaine ear

"Me either babe we can even have a little family night"

"Yesss I love the idea of that and we need to start coming up with names"

"We can start later once everyone leaves okay my love"

"Okay" she pecked my lips and we continued to watch the movie

Then suddenly someone knocked on the door bringing everyone outta their own bubble Jug said he would open since he was goin in the kitchen to get more food for himself

"YOO MADELAINE COME HER" KJ yelled from the door I got up to go see what he wanted but of course Mads pulled me back

"Babygirl where you going" she asked me with her eyebrow raised

"I wanna see whose at the door"

"No just stay here and let me handle it I don't want nothing happening to my sexy ass wife okay" I nodded my head and let her leave
Mads POV

Once I made it to the door I seen my twin brother and sister Jaylen and Jaylon and I was getting very upset

"What do y'all want" I asked in a cold hearted tone

"We wanna say sorry little sister we were wrong to act the way we did just because you choose to date someone of color"

"Right over these past months we have talked about the way we acted and we know it might take some for you to forgive us but we are willing to try to get along with Vanessa she is our sister in law" Jay said playing with her rings

"I guess we can try again but the moment you say something out of line your outta here the both of you" I said pointing my finger at them

"Yes yes we know we just didn't want you to not have us in your kid life due to our decisions"

"Well even though I don't forgive I'm willing to let you start over oh and my son were having a boy"

"OH REALLY" they Botha sled at the sametime with joy

"Yea we haven't came up with a name yet but maybe you can help u- Hey love I was just wondering what was taking so long" Vanessa asked rubbing her belly

"Oh the Petsch twins what are you guys doing here" she look confused but I don't blame her

"We came to say sorry we regret how we acted towards you and Mads said she was willing to let us start over" Jay said rocking back and forth

"Yea and congrats on baby boy" Jaylen told her clapping her hand a

"Well thank you why don't you come in"

They came and we just continued watching movies with the gang while talking trying to come with names I was glad to have my siblings back talking to me even though I said they could suck my dick I did miss them
I like hate this chapter but ehhh

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