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This is Juss like half of chapter of a book that's Juss been sitting in my drafts for the longest-
"I swear you and your son is just alike and I'm going to work what's wrong with what I have on"

" should I tell her or yo-I already told her"Sophia said looking at me through the mirror with her* I told you so face*.

"Mom your showing a little to much up here" he said pointing to my boob area.

"Imma have to agree with my son love you can either change or put on a jacket" Mads told me crossing her arms.

"Ughhh fine if it will make everybody feel better I will put on a jacket and here princess I'm done"

"Oh wait Sophia did you put compression shorts on" I asked with a glare because she would barley wear them

"Yes ma'am I did I didn't forget this time" she said winking at me

"Great now lets go my children we gotta stop for food then drop you off at school give mom kisses" the kids gave me kisses on each of my cheek then made their way to the car.

"Alright sexy lady I'll see you later I should be home before dinner since after auditions I have to be on set for sightless" I gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Okay that's fine I love you"

"I love you too my queen" she gave me another kiss then made her way out the doors.

"I love you too my queen" she gave me another kiss then made her way out the doors

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Madelaine outfit

Toni outfit (with jacket)

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Toni outfit (with jacket)

Kids outfit//////Samuel POV"Okay bye Mama love you"my sister and I told our mother as we kissed her cheek

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Kids outfit
Samuel POV
"Okay bye Mama love you"my sister and I told our mother as we kissed her cheek.

"I love you guys too I think Mom will pick you guys up" we nodded our heads and went in opposite directions .

"Bye little one I'll see you after school kay love you" I said as waved at my little sister .

"Okay bubba Love you too"

I went to the cafeteria since that's were the 5th graders meet before heading to their classes. I sat next to my best-friend Isaiah since 3rd grade.

"Hey Sam" Isaiah said while I sat down next to him.

"Hey best bud what you been up too"

"Well guess what"

"What you finally asked Amaya out" I asked hitting his shoulder

"No not yet buttttt I was gonna do it today during recess let's just hope I don't get rejected"

"I'm sure she'll say yes who wouldn't wanna date you" I said giving him a genuine small

"Aye your right but let's go ahead and head to class"
Sophia POV
I was sitting in class on the chrome book playing games while the teacher was yelling at another student. I was supposed to be doing my work but I didn't feel like doing it right now and plus the teacher was to distracted to even notice what I was doing.

I was so deep into my game that I didn't feel my teacher Mr. John tap my shoulder.

"Hey Sophia go ahead and log off for me" I let out a loud groan making everyone look at.


"SOPHIA MORGAN-PETSCH GO IN  THE HALLS" I rolled my eyes but also did what he asked he probably wasn't even go do nothing but call my parents and send to my Aunt Ashleigh room. She's the music teacher at our school.

"Okay Sophia since we don't tolerate that kind of behavior in our class I'm afraid that I will be calling your parents and you will be finishing your work in Ms.Murray class"

"That's fine" I went back into the classroom and gathered all my belongs I'll need for the rest of the day.

" Hey Michelle where you going" my friend Kailyn asked me. We only called each other by our middle names or names we made for each other. We would hardly say our first names.

"I got sent out of class- again don't you get tired of having to get sent out of class" she asked interrupting me rolling her eyes.

"I guess but I wouldn't even get in trouble if the teachers would mind they business "

"But your paren-ENOUGH CHATTING LETS GO MS. MORGAN-PETSCH" I shrugged my shoulders waking out of the class room making my way towards the music room.


Madelaine POV

I just finished my audition so now I am heading to Film for sightless. As I was walking into hair and make-up my phone started to ring. I noticed it was the school calling and I just shook my head knowing Soph had gotten into some trouble.

"Hello this is she what did she do now"

"I am so sorry to be calling you Mrs. Morgan-Petsch I know your a busy woman but I have already sent her to Ms. Murray room as you and your wife instructed for me to do so but Sophia was not doing her work on the chrome-book and when I confronted her about it she got upset and made a scene" Mr. John voice echoed through the phone

" I am so sorry my wife and I will have a talk with her and I promise you won't have anymore problems with her" We talked for a couple more minutes then hung up.

"Your youngest in trouble again huh" the lady who does my make-up asked

"whew yea she stay in it but after today she will not be getting into anymore trouble"

"whew yea she stay in it but after today she will not be getting into anymore trouble"----

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Y'all I was so confused when I saw this

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