Madnessa gets caught

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Wattpad was tripping earlier ^🤦🏽‍♀️
Madelaine and I have been sneaking around for a few months now because I wasn't ready to leave Michael I didn't know how to tell him I was done with him. I loved him but not like I loved Madelaine.

"Hey mamas" Madelaine said walking to sit next to me on the couch.

"Hey love what are you doing here" I asked as I sat in her lap. She wrapped her arms around my waist.

"I just missed my girlfriend is that not okay" she asked with a raise brow.

"No I'm glad you missed me I missed you too it's just what if Michael walks in on us"

"Baby why don't you just leave him then so you can actually be with me I'm not trying to rush you or anything I just wanna be able to hold you in public without having to worry about who sees us.

"I know and I want that too you just have to wait a while please"

"Fine" I gave her a quick peck but of course she  pulled me into her closer sticking her tongue in my mouth causing me to suck on it.

"Mhm mam-mamas let's go upstairs" Madelaine said picking me up. I nodded my head while she carried me to the bedroom.

She slightly threw me on the bed, Sucking on sweet spot.

"What time is Michael supposed to come home"

"Not till some hours later so we have enough time for at least two rounds" I said smirking. She took off my shirt throwing it in the corner of the room sucking on my left nipple.

"I need-need more daddy" she then slipped her in inside of my pants rubbing my clit with her thumb.

"No touching or imma have to cuff you understand" I nodded my head. She took her free hand slightly choking me.

"Words love I need your words"

"Yes daddy I understand" she stuck two digits inside of my going at a rapid pace.


"You love when you daddy fucks you with her fingers huh princess" she was fucking me so good with her fingers I could barely talk now.

"I wanna taste you on my tongue" she said removing her fingers and replacing them with her tongue. Going in and out my hole

"Oh daddy I think I'm gonna cum"

"I want you to cum all on my tongue"

"OHHH SHII-What the hell Madeleine" Mads stop what she was doing to see who voice we heard. I was trying to regain my breath.

"Oh damn wassup Michael long time no see huh bud" I immediately sat up covering my self with the blankets when I heard her say Michael name.

"Don't fucking play with me you was just fucking my girl and now your trying to be all buddy buddy hell Nawl my guy that's not go work"

"Really Vanessa a year down the drain for this bitch I make you cum more then she do anyway" he said rolling his eyes.

"She's - no Vanessa listen her Michael you think your all that you can't even make her cum at least one time you only last 8 seconds did you know we do at least 5 rounds and I treat way better then you ever will I spoil and treat her like the queen she is you just using her" she said shrugging her shoulders.

"She's not lying we've been sneaky around for months now and I'm sure you have been doing the same there's no way you be at work till 5 in the morning you play some damn baseball"

"You know what fuck you two Vanessa we are done don't contact me ever again" he said slamming the bed room door.

"Well now that's over should we continue"

"Hell yea"
I'll write PT2 for those other chapters sooner or later

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