Controlling Wife

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Vanessa POV
"Vanessa don't drop him, I already don't feel safe with him on that death trap"Madelaine sighed. I was taking our son, Kyrie, riding on my brand new four wheeler

"Babe I've told you already, I got him" I responded, turning the key. "And if he does get hurt, he's a big boy" I added

"He's 5 and barely 100 pounds, try again" she fake smiled. "Momma I wanna wide" Keila, our daughter pouted. She's only 2 but she wants to do everything Kyrie does

"When you get a little older, I'll think about it" Mads laughed which didn't seem to amuse Keila. "Kyrie does ebrething" she cried, pronouncing everything wrong

"Kyrie is older baby, you're only two" Madelaine responded, sitting Keila on her hip. "Mama hurry up, I'm sweating" Kyrie huffed. "You are so Impatient" I huffed

"He gets that from you" my wife laughed. "You're lying" I scoffed. "Whatever, drama queen" she smiled. "You ready?" I asked him. "I been ready" he answered

"Calm down spider man"Mads interrupted. "Mommy , jealousy is so ugly on you" Kyrie huffed. "That was a good one" I laughed, doing our handshake

"Whatever, I'll be in the house. It's hot as hell" she cursed. "No bad word mommy" Keila scolded. "You're right, mommy sorry" she apologized, walking back inside

I pushed on the brake a few times before heading off, full speed. "VANESSA I'M KICKING YOUR ASS" Madelaine yelled from the kitchen window. "WHATEVER WOMAN" I yelled back

I drove around the whole yard, even to the lake that's a few miles up the road. I was about to drive in the water, yes it was safe. "Mama no, I can't swim" Kyrie cried, hanging onto my shirt for dear life

"We aren't gonna drown Ky" I assured. "Nooo, take me back home" he sniffled. I sighed, turning back around. Once we reached the house, he immediately ran in, snuggling into Mads side

"Vanessa what did you do to my baby?" She asked, running her hands through his hair. "He got scared because I was about to drive into the water" I answered, tickling Keila's stomach

"Yup that's it, no more four wheelers until they're fifteen" she nodded. "Y'all are so scary" I mumbled. "You pronounced safe wrong" she sassed

"Princess you wanna take a ride with mama?" I asked, knowing she'd say yes. "YES" she answered. "NO" Mads yelled. "Whyyyy" Keila whined, throwing herself into my lap

"I said so" she responded. Kelia got very upset, throwing her toys down and storming upstairs. "MARIE BRING YO DISRESPECTFUL ASS BACK DOWN HERE" I yelled, using her middle name

She stormed back down. "Come here" I said. She walked to me, standing between my legs. "Pick up every toy you threw down and apologized to Mommy " I gritted

Tears filled her eyes as she started picking  up everything that she threw. Once she finished, she made her way to the stairs. "Your forgetting something" I reminded. "I sowwy mommy " she whispered

"She can't hear you" I huffed. "I'm sowwy" she repeated louder before going to put her toys away. "You're forgiven" Vanessa sighed


"I sleep here?" Kelia asked, climbing into our bed. "No, you have to sleep in your room tonight" I responded. "Whyyyyy" she whined. "Keila stop all that whining" Madelaine sighed

"Leave me alone" she responded. "Aye lil mama you gonna stop disrespecting your mother" I assured. "Go lay down Keila" I sighed

She continued to watch whatever was showing on my phone. "Marie" I called, no answer. I nodded, taking my phone from her hands and picking her up

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