Lets Get Married

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(Madelaine and Vanessa has been dating over two years now and now Mads think she is ready to pop the question( I did not proof read mostly cause I wrote this on the chromebook and I am not really use to writting like but yea VOTE AND COMMENT)
"I don't know Camila what if she isn't ready to ge-Bitch shut the fuck up and get some balls and ask Nessa to marry you" Cami said before I could even finish talking

"Fine so I'm guessing I'm asking this weekend over dinner right"

"Yes" Camila said plopping down on the couch Me and Nessa have been dating over two years and I'm ready to marry her but I'm kinda scared she isn't ready but imma ask her anyway

"Hey babe hey cami what y'all doing" Nessa said coming into our trailer we were done filming for season 4 so we were just chilling in my trailer

"Nothing I missed you" I said giving her kiss

"Aww I missed you too but I'm done filming so let's head home"

"Of course bye y'all"

At Home

Vanessa and I were laying in bed watching a movie but I really wasn't paying attention I was thinking if I should ask Nessa did she want to get married or even maybe having kids I decided to stop being scared and just ask her


"mhm" she said letting me know she was listening to me but she was also still watching the movie

"I was thinking do you maybe see us getting married in the future"

"Of course I see us getting married and maybe even having kids of are own" now she was turned around straddling me

"aww you want kids with me" I said rubbing my hands up and down her back

"Of course baby I love you so much"

"I love you more then life its self" she pulled me into a what started off as a passionate kiss but then soon turned into a heated make out session and lets just say the rest of the night the room was full of moans and screams


The weekend (the proposal) Vanessa POV

So right now I was getting ready for Mads and I date she was acting really weird though like she was nervous but why would she be nervous its just a regular date well thats what she said and she was being very distant "YOU READY BABE" I hear bringing me out of my thoughts

"YEA HERE I COME"I said putting my shoes on and grabbing my purse.As soon as I made it downstairs Mads mouth flew open

"Like what you see baby"

"Like girl no I love what I see my girlfriend is the hottest human on earth"

"Well thank you but lets get going shall we" I asked interlacing our hands

"yes we shall" We were now in the car singing to whatever song would play on the radio,have little conversations from time to time,and having mini make out sessions at almost every red light we stopped at

Here we are sitting in this fancy restaurant waiting for a waiter to come and take our orders I could tell Mads was getting nervous again she was even sweating this time so I decided to ask her what was wrong

"Babbbbyyyyy whats wrong why are you so nervous"

"Well mamas I have a surprise for you after dinner and I guess I am just scared of your reaction thats all"

"Well im sure whatever it is I will love it

-After Dinner (Still Vanessa POV

Mads decided that we take a walk on the beach we were just talking about work until I noticed Madelaine had stopped talking so I tunred around only to find her on one knee

"Vanessa from the momment I first saw you at the audtions for riverdale I knew you were special and that you weren't like other females you like helping others your always trying to make others happy but now it is my turn to return the favor my love I just want you to know that I am madly deeply in love with you and I cant till we have mini yous and me running around our home So now Vanessa Mziray will you marry me" I was full on sobbing at this point

"YESSSSSS MILLION TIMES" I said jumping into her arms sharing a passionate kiss I was finally going to be marrying the love of my life my soulmate the person who makes me feel like the only person earth and I could not be Happier.

(I will try uploading these book everyday or at least every other day)

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