Choni Gets married

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So today Me and Cheryl are getting married and I'm super nervous and kind of scared but I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with her and have mini hers running around our house

"Hey tones you ready" Jughead asked sitting in the chair beside me

"Ready as I'll ever be"

"Well get your ass up and go to the alter" I just rolled my eyes but did what he said

I was just standing here waiting for Cheryl I was starting to become nervous was she having second thoughts did she not want to be without even worse did she ran away
Cheryl POV

"Come on Cheryl it's time for you to walk down the isle" Betty said looking up from her phone 

"I-Ugh what if Toni is regretting us getting married what if she is haveing second thoug- BITCH" Veronica said coming into the room

"Why are you always yelling and don't cut me off" I said playfully rolling my eyes

"Well for one because you need some sense knocked into your brain cause this is not the Cheryl Blossom aka Cheryl Bombshell and HBIC I know she isn't scared of anything am I right"

"Right" Betty said jumping into the conversation

"Betty hush yes your right but I just can't help thinking she's having second thoughts And maybe I'm just a little just I'm scared and nervous" I told them looking down

"And it's okay this is you just starting a new journey in your life-and your gonna be scared and nervous at first but you got this" Ronnie and Betty told me

"It's just everyone thought of as loveless and a monster but now look at me

"Cheryl and I quote in the voice of Toni Topaz "Cheryl your not loveless your not deviant okay your sensational" Ronnie told me looking directly into my eyes and finally had enough confidence to go out there and marry the love of my life

"Okay your right I think I'm ready guys" I said as I took a deep breath
Toni POV
It has been about 20 minutes and we were supposed to start 5 minutes ago and every time I ask someone is Cheryl okay they keep telling me to not worry and she'll be walking down soon but it's been 20 fucking minutes ugh

I was brought out of my thoughts by seeing everyone standing up and that's when I saw her the most beautiful sexiest redhead ever and my soon to be future wife

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today today To join these to woman in holy matrimony"

"Marriage is built on love trust,faith and loyalty but you also have to have commitment"

"Cheryl and Antoinette your vows you are about to make is a way to show your commitment and love in your own very words because quotes or poems don't get the point across like you want so Antoinette Cheryl who would like to go first"

"I do" I said looking at the pastor

"Cheryl from the first moment I saw you at riverdale I knew I loved you when you first said "happily queen of the buskers I knew we had a connection even though you had your walls up and wouldn't let me in I still know I was one day going to be with the Cheryl Blossom aka Cheryl bombshell I love you Cheryl your my soulmate my bestfriend hell your my everything and I wouldn't trade you for the world without you I am nothing you came into my life and everything change and now here we our getting married where you soon will become Cheryl Topaz" I said with tears running down my face and so was Cheryl

"Okay now Cheryl"

"Toni even though when we first meet and I was mean to you you still knew that I wasn't anything like that I just had alot of things going on and you saw that and never once even after we broke up in the La Bonne Nuit after we you know you didn't give up on us and I'm so grateful to have to you in my life your my everything and if I had never met you there's no telling how my life would be right now it's ya against the world forever and always babe I love you so so much"

"Okay now Antoinette repeat after me" he said while Juniper gave us the rings

" I Antoinette Topaz give you this ring as a promise to love you, care for you,and cherish you"

"I Antoinette Topaz give you this ring as a promise to love you,care for you,and cherish you" I said as I slide the ring on her finger

"Okay now Cheryl please repeat after me,I Cheryl Blossom give you this ring as a promise to love you,care for you,and cherish you"

"I Cheryl Blossom give you this ring as a promise to love you,care for you,and cherish you" she said as she slide the ring onto my finger

"Perfect now Cheryl do you take Antoinette to be your wife; to live together  in the covenant of marriage ? Do you promise to love her,comfort her,honor and keep her,in sickness and health and forsaking all others,be faithful to her as long as you both should live?

"Of course I do" everyone laughed

"And Antoinette do you take Antoinette to be your wife; to live together  in the covenant of marriage ? Do you promise to love her,comfort her,honor and keep her,in sickness and health and forsaking all others,be faithful to her as long as you both should live?

"HELL YEAAAAAA I DO I BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY I BE DAMNED IF I SAW NO"Everyone just laughed at me but I was serious

"Now does anyone believe or think that these to shouldn't be together speak now or forever hold your speech"


PT 2 ???
I have no idea why it took all day to write this chapter but here it is :) hope you enjoyed VOTE AND COMMENT

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