Chapter 77

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I juss need some to publish this a draft from a book I was working on it's short asf
Madelaine POV
I woke up with Nessa on my chest and the kids at the end of the bed, they must have fallen asleep after the movie we watched last night.

I slowly got out of bed trying not to wake my family, I went to the bathroom handled my business. I walked out seeing Winter was stretching out his limbs yawning.

"Hey big boy how'd you sleep ?" I asked messing with his hair.

"I slept good, I should sleep in here more often you and mom bed is so comfortable."

"Yea but your bed is also comfortable so don't try coming sleeping with us because I won't let you."

"You won't but mom will." He said causing me to chuckle.

"Nope I know something that will make her say no." I said not even realizing I was smirking.

"Umm well okay then, should I wake Nylah?"

"Naw let her and mom sleep and we can make them breakfast."

"Mhm I like that,good idea mama."
After making breakfast

"What's that I smell." I heard my beautiful Queen asked coming downstairs along side her was my beautiful princess.

"Food what else would it be mom ?"

"Well no shi-finish that sentence and you'll regret it." Vanessa said cutting Nylah off.

"Sorry but what she meant was what are you guys cooking. "Nylah told Winter while grabbing a plate.

"Thank you." I told my youngest while fixing her food.
After breakfast
Now everybody finished eating their breakfast and we were just in the theater room watching movies.

"Soooo momma and mom what are we doing today ?"

"What do you two wanna do,we can do whatever you guys want." Nessa said drawing her attention away from her phone.

"Well I don't really wanna go out today, what about you Winter?"

"Yeaaa let's just home and watch movies." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Well okay then what should we watch."

"We are the hero's." Nessa said placing her phone down.

"Sounds good to me, what do you guys think?" I asked my kilter munchkins.

"Sounds great I'll get the snacks." Sam said leaving.

"And I'll get the blankets and pillows."

"And we.....just gonna wait till you guys get back then." I chucked slightly
Word count 390;
Ill try getting those two Y/N chapters out soon

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