Madnessa Reunite

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Today was the day that we were officially going back on set and I was really excited to see my bestfriend Vanessa Morgan ever since quarantine we've only been able to FaceTime and text each other back and forth so now I was currently waking to my trailer when I felt some jump on my back



"I'm about to be three months soon" she said said smiling I was so upset when she told me Michael left and filled for divorce when she told him she was pregnant but I never like him anyway soo

"So tell me what has been your favorite thing during your pregnancy" by now we were almost at my trailer

"Well one thing I love about pregacy is everybody is so nice to you during my photo shoot and I had to stop serval times and just eat because I eat all the time"

"Awww I'm so happy for you"

"Thanks Mads you know I really love and appreciate you"

"I love you that's what bestfriends are for we will always be there for each other"

"Heyyyy madnessa" Lili and Cami said walking into the trailer with Milo and Truffle

"Heyyy guys sooo how have you been" Vanessa ask sitting back down on the couch

"Wellll we've been good you know just really exciting to be back on set and here with you guys"

"Awww same"
After filming Vanessa POV
Everyone was done filming for the day so now we're just heading back to lili and Camilas apartment the plan was just to spend the night over there since we would have to get up early to head to set

"Okay so we only have 2 bedrooms but that's not really a problem since we are all pretty close with each other" Cami said waking into the kitchen

"So what do you guys wanna eat"

"I'm not hungry I'm just ready to take a shower and go to bed" Nessa followed by with a yawn

"NESSSSSAAAAAAAAA" they all said in unsion

"Uhhh what" I asked looking confused

"You have to eat your not just feeding for yourself" I just rolled my eyes but I ate pack of fruit snacks


"No you need to eat something else"

"Well whenever y'all decide to cook something then I'll eat but now I'm going to take a shower"

I was glad to be back filming and with my cast member but I missed Mads more then anything we are just much more closer then everyone else and she was really there for me and I told her everything about Michael and what he did
(Plot twist Michael ain't even the father it's Madelaines👉🏽👈🏽) I am just so grateful to have her
This chapter was ehhh but madnessa has finally reunited 🥳
Word count;488

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