Toni forgets-Pt2

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Michael and River are are twins💀
I honestly don't even know what to write for this cuz I usually Juss write whatever come to mind
As weeks went by Cheryl started to notice a change in her girlfriend Londyn. All she wanted was to have sex all the time and this made the redhead feeling for Toni grow, why? Well for starters Toni wouldn't just initiate for them to fuck; she would ask Cheryl about her day making sure was doing good and just spending Quality time together. Which leads us to now.

Toni had been telling Cheryl for the longest she wanted a tattoo so today was finally the day she would be finally getting it.

"Cher I'm scared as hell!! But I really want it."

"TT calm down it's just a lil tattoo it won't even hurt!! You're just overreacting." I said laughing at her.

"Alrighty T, come on hop in my chair so we can get started okay?". Toni removed her shirt then bra and of course I starred it's not like I'm trying to be a perv or anything it's just god her body is beautiful.

"Hold my hand?"

"Of course!!" She slightly smiled causing her dimples to show. I loved her little dimples so much.

Every since she bought me all that stuff for my birthday I couldn't stop picturing what it would be like for us to be together. Yea I love Londyn but I don't think I'm inlove with them anymore,I haven't for a while now and I think I was just in denial.

Crazy it took Toni to do all those things for me till I realized. God I'm so stupid. The person who cares for me the most is literally right here and the one who just wants my body is doing god knows what.

I think I know what I have to do ...

"You like it?" She asked bring me out of my trance.

"I love it Toni."

"Great can you take a picture so I can post it on Instagram?" I nodded my head taking her phone out of her purse opening the camera app. I took bout four pictures, all different angles. Knowing Toni and her great camera skills she would've wanted all angles.

@TT_Topaz: I love it !! Thanks Cher for holding my hand while I cried like a baby

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@TT_Topaz: I love it !! Thanks Cher for holding my hand while I cried like a baby. (Totally didn't cry lol)

@Redhot.Blossoms: You def cried like a baby😭 it was cute tho😉
Cheryl & Lon

"Lon stop!!I don't want to have fucking sex with you okay?! That's all you want now a days."I snapped at the taller girl, I was tired I couldn't take it anymore.

"Babe what are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about DONT play dumb. Every since my birthday and you watched me into the into the lounge all upset you've just wanted fuck to make me feel better Londyn. Not once have you truly asked me how I've felt and I'm tired of it."

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