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Cheryl and Toni had been at each other throats for two weeks now. It seemed like the couple just couldn't get on the same page as they once could. Toni figured they should just take break while Cheryl on the other hand just wanted to call a quits on everything. Also they have six year old son 

~Toni POV
Today was the day I would be telling Cheryl that we should take a break. I know it would be hard for our son and he probably wouldn't understand what's going on worth us but this is what is best for us.

"Auggie come here babyboy" I called for my six year old son.

"Yes mommy"

"Okay so mommy needs you to go with auntie Ronnie and uncle Reggie while me and momma do something"

"Are you weaving momma" I looked at him confused.

"Why do you ask mommy that kiddo"

"I heard you yelling at her pwase don't weave me or momma we Woves you" my heart broke for my little one.

"What's with the sad faces" Cheryl asked walking into the dean.

"Momma mommy said I have go with auntie and uncle"

"Why did you tell him that TT" she asked with an annoyed tone.

"Because Cheryl we need to talk and you know it" I said giving her a stern look.

"Oh right sorry big boy but I will come pick you up tomorrow" she said trying to play alone.



"AUNTIEEEEE" August says running towards Veronica.

"Hey kiddo are you ready to spend time with your favorite aunt and uncle" Ronnie and Reggie didn't have children yet even though they have been married for 4 years.

"Yess uncle Reg help me pack"

"Okay bud" Reggie picked August up carding him to his room.

"Sooo you too hmm tell me what's going come on someone needs to talk"

"We just haven't been seeing eye to eye lately"

"Yea" Cheryl said agreeing with me.

"I don't give two shits if you not seeing eye to eye you two need to get this shit together for the sake of my nephew hear me bitches" we just nodded our heads.


"Yes we hear you damn no need to act like our parents" we said rolling our eyes.

"Well stop acting like children now I'm sure you know we will keep Auggie for as long as you need no problems but if I don't see no improvement I will you kill you whores"

"Damn bitch okay "

"Good now I love you two" she said giving us a hug. We said our goodbyes to August and they left.

"Cheryl imma just get straight to the point I think we should- Divorce"

"What did you say" I asked looked confused as hell. I know we have been arguing alot but couples go through things surely we could overcome our struggles.

"I think we should just divorce there's nothing there between us anymore why do you think we are always arguing"

"Cheryl we have been together for 12 years and you want end it all because of our arguing I still love you always have always will" I said stepping closer to her.

"And I'll love you always and forever but we should just- I cut her off by kissing her my her soft plump lips and it was full of love and was very passionate.saying there is nothing else between us would be a lie.
We pulled apart.

"Maybe I was wrong" she said chuckling nervously

"Oh sweetie you were definitely wrong but we still should take a break"

"Ughhh I guess your right"

"Heyyy baby it will only be for a little while just till we get our shit together then we will be stronger then before and nothing can break us up"

"Promise" she asked holding out her pinky.


I love you so much more then life it's self"

"I love you more" I gave her little peck on the lips.

"Soooo I guess I'll stay with Jason since he is still very much single"

"Okay be safe" we kissed one last time then she gathered her belongs and left.

~Cheryl POV
As soon as I got in the car I just broke down crying I know it's only a break but what if Toni changes her mind and say we should just divorce.

I know I suggested it but I don't think I could live with myself if we really did divorce.

I started making my way to Jason house and that's all I remember before everything went black.

~Veggie POV

We were playing with mini Choni when the phone started to ring, the caller ID said Toni so figured her and Cheryl we okay and wanted Auggie back.

"Hel-wow wow okay okay calm down" I told Toni I couldn't understand shit was saying.

"Wait wait why are you crying"

"Come to riverdale hospital qui-quick please it's- it's Cheryl sh-she's been hu-hurt"
The ending was ehhhh could've been better

VOTE comment yeaaaaa all that great shiii

Idea; choni_littlemix

Ummm Myall6793 mentioned doin it the other way sooo I think imma do madnessa but Vanessa gets hurt

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