Chapter 665 (October 29, 2020)

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Gabby's POV: As I woke up the next morning, I felt the cold sheets of an empty bed next to me. Moving my hand to Matt's side of the bed, I saw that he wasn't there. However, I could hear him. He was currently talking on the phone out in the kitchen. "Okay, so you don't need a ride here?" I could hear a bit of frustration in Matt's voice. I guess he woke up early thinking he had to go get his sister at the airport. "Okay Christie, that's fine. Sure...I'll drop her off at her school. But, I thought she was doing online learning?"

I then heard silence before Matt eventually hung up. He then went to the guest bedroom and knocked on Violet's door. "Violet, time to wake up. I have to drive you to school today." I heard Violet groan and laughed as I laid back down in bed considering Matteo was still asleep. Either than or Matt fed him using a bottle left in the fridge. "Uncle Matt, can you leave me to get dressed?" Matt agreed. "Okay, you have 10 minutes before I come back in."

That's when I heard him come into the bedroom. I saw him walk over to his closet before turning on his beside lamp. "Hey!" Matt turned to look at me. "Gabby, I knew you were awake. I saw your eyes open when I looked at you for a bit." I smiled when he said that. "And I also heard your hand move to my side of the bed." I nodded and looked at him. "You coming right back here?" Matt nodded and then went to grab a shirt and some sweats. "Yes."

I smiled and nodded when Matt walked over to the bed and leaned over to kiss me softly. Grabbing his neck as I kissed him. "Can I come with you guys? I want to get out of the house at least for a bit. We are going to be stuck here for a while." Matt bit his lip and sighed. "I would like to say yes if it was just you Gabby. But, Matteo would have to come too and..." I nodded and understood. "It's okay, I get it." Matt sat down next to me and sighed, grabbing my hand.

"Gabby, I'm doing this for you. It's to protect you. If something happened to Matteo...I know you would die all over again like what happened with our first baby and with Louie. So please understand that I am doing this for your own good." I nodded as I felt his hand on my stomach. I then grabbed his hand and smiled. "Did I ever tell you how amazing of a husband and how great of a father you are?" Matt smiled and nodded when Violet interrupted.

"We get it, he's a great dad and a great husband. Listen, I am just going to make some toast." Matt sighed and looked at me. "Mind making her breakfast for me? I'm going to hop in the shower for a bit if you're awake." I nodded and smiled. "Go ahead, I got breakfast." I then went and got up before grabbing my bathrobe. Matt then got up and walked away to take a shower while I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to go make Violet some breakfast.

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