Chapter 773

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Matt's POV: After going to get Gabby's phone, I decided to check what the alert was before letting Gabby read it. I didn't want her to stress out more than she already was. Though she was putting on a brave face, I knew that even the good news I gave her wasn't going to reassure her that everything would be okay until Diego was in the clear. That's when I noticed that it was an e-mail from CFD with the subject line, Termination of Benefits. I didn't like that subject line and got scared. "What the hell is this?"

Gabby then looked at me. "You already read the e-mail?" I then gave Gabby her phone and she looked at the e-mail too. "What? They are terminating our benefits. Why?" Sitting down next to her, I moved to wrap my arm around her. "I don't know. I didn't get an e-mail from them about that. However, I assume it's because they can't take away my benefits since I retired from the line of duty on the basis of workplace health and safety."

Gabby sighed and went to read the e-mail. "Since re-joining the Chicago Fire Department, your hours have not been consistent enough...nor are they high enough for you to be eligible for Full-Time status and health benefits." Gabby then looked at me. "I am sorry but, I am calling Chief. Can you check whether you got that e-mail?" I went to look at them shook my head. "Probably because of...what I said, my status as a retired firefighter because of injury on the line of duty."

Gabby then got up and looked at me. "Like I said, I am calling chief. I don't care if you still have your benefits. I want mine too because I have medication I take for anxiety and PTSD." I nodded and understood why this is so important to her. "Forward the e-mail to Chief so that he knows what you're talking about." Gabby agreed and went to send it to chief before going to call the firehouse. "Hi Connie, chief available?" She waited and nodded. "Okay, thanks."

I then waited to listen as to whether they would talk and was glad when Gabby started to speak to him. "Chief, I need to talk to you about this e-mail I just got from the CFD." She then put Boden on speaker so that I could listen in. "What's wrong Gabby?" Gabby then went to read the e-mail. "They are taking away my benefits because my hours haven't been high enough. They are no longer considering me a full-time member of the CFD. This has to be a mistake right?"

Chief was just as perplexed as us. "Listen, let me make some calls. Call your union representative too and explain to them your situation. However, Matt's benefits should cover you in the meantime. The benefits he gets as a retired firefighter are better than what you get as a paramedic." Gabby nodded and agreed. "Tell me about it." I then chuckled and smiled at her. "Can you double check who my union representative is or is it Mouch?" Chief then went to check.

"According to the records, the union representative we have on file is Megan Kablinsky. I'll send you her contact information in an e-mail so you can call her. However, I will also try and get you onto Matt's benefits so that you aren't in limbo. This should've never happened." Gabby nodded and agreed. "I will also explain to them why you are out. According to a memo send to Firehouse chiefs, we are allowed to put staff on permanent health leave if it's best for their situation. Heck, Connie is no longer working here. She is answering the phones remotely."

I nodded and understood. "Okay, can you do me a favor though?" Chief agreed again. "Sure thing." I then sighed. "Can you make sure that Brett has her benefits still? Her and Antonio aren't married so...I am not sure if she is getting benefits through him. But, if she isn't covered through him then she needs to be covered through CFD. She's pregnant after all." Chief agreed once again. "Definitely. Now listen, let me make some calls and give your union rep a call." Gabby sighed and agreed. "Of course, thanks Chief." Gabby then hung up and looked at me. "Can you watch him? I am going to call my union rep."

I nodded. "Of course, just remember to breathe okay? We have medical insurance regardless of whether it's through you or me. Gabby, while this is's not something you should worry too much because I've got you covered." Gabby nodded and sighed. "I know, it's just easier. If something happens and they only have my ID...then they can't deny me healthcare because you aren't with me." I nodded and agreed. "That makes sense. Now listen, you want me to make you something to eat? You're going to need it after all this worrying."

I nodded and sighed. "Can you make some tacos tonight? That's what I'm in the mood for." I nodded and agreed. "Sure thing." Gabby then smiled at me and leaned over to kiss me softly. "I promise, we will fix this and get everything resolved." She smiled when I said that. "You mean I will?" I nodded and smiled. "We are in this together so it's always we." Smiling again, Gabby gave me one last kiss before pulling away and walking to the bedroom. I then looked at Matteo and smiled. "You relax here okay bud? I'm going to make some ground beef for supper."

Matteo just went back to relaxing and fell asleep shortly after. Getting up and walking over to the kitchen, I smiled as I went to the fridge to grab some ground beef. I was going to make it regardless of whether we were having something with it tonight or not because it's good to have on hand for quick meals. Grabbing a pan from the cupboards next to the range, I then moved to turn on the stove and started cooking the ground beef so we have some whenever we need to have a quick meal.

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