Chapter 770

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30 Minutes Later when Matt and Gabby are home - Matt's POV: Once we got home, Gabby asked me to put Matteo down for a nap because she said she needed to sit down. While I didn't hear her entire conversation with her brother, I could tell that something changed the minute she got off the phone with her brother. I hoped she would at least turn on the TV while sitting in the bedroom but, she hadn't. Something really bad must've happened because she looks really spooked. Walking over to her and then sitting down next to her, I move my hand to her hip and hold her from behind. "What's bothering you?"

Gabby sighed when she heard me. "Sorry I have been so quiet since I talked to my brother." I nodded, because I knew now that it had to do something with their conversation. "Gabby, the fact that you have been quiet since then isn't what's bothering me. It's the fact that something is bothering you and you haven't shared it yet. Gabby, if it has to do with your brother's family...please remember that you are not just talking about your niece and nephew, we are also talking about my niece and nephew."

Gabby then sighed and rolled over to look at me. Moving closer to me, she grabbed my hand and sighed. "It's just...this whole pandemic has just become a whole lot more real." I chuckled a bit. "Because us living it for the past 8 months now hasn't made it real..." I tried to make a joke but that just made things worse. Gabby was about to pull away when I stopped her by grabbing her hand. I then intertwined our fingers and looked at her. "Gabby, remember that we are in this together. If there's something wrong...I need to know what it is so I can help you."

Gabby sighed and then looked at me. "Diego has COVID." I then stared at her and knew why she was so quiet now. She was scared. Diego has always been like a son to her because she helped raise him while her brother was working as a patrolman and Laura was working long hours in the convenience store. So, their relationship has always been that of a mother-son. So, that's why this is so hard on her. It's basically like Matteo getting COVID. But instead, it's Diego and she was just as worried.

"Gabby, I am so sorry. Was that the news you got on the phone?" She nodded and teared up a bit, wiping a tear from her eyes. "God, why am I getting this emotional?" I then moved closer to her and brought her into my arms. Kissing her forehead softly, I felt her grab my neck. I then moved to rub her back as we held each other close. "Gabby, Diego is young. He is going to be okay." Gabby nodded and then looked at me. "Matt, can you promise me that we will stay home as much as possible? I'm sorry...this is just scaring me more now."

I nodded and agreed before going to kiss her forehead softly. "Of course Gabby. We can stay home more and just relax here." I then moved to grab my phone. "Listen, I am going to go make a call okay? I want to do something for you." Gabby just looked at me confused. "What is it?" I smiled at her. "I am going to talk to Med and ask them to put their best doctor on the case. They love us and will probably do this favor for me considering we are basically family."

Gabby smiled. "Antonio has probably already done it. Well, maybe Jay has. I mean, he's Will's brother. I am pretty sure that he is taking care of Diego." I sighed. "He probably isn't because he isn't in the COVID ward. Remember? Natalie has Owen. Since they are together and she's the only parent he has left...they are probably not in COVID." Gabby nodded and sighed. "Listen, let's just lay down here and relax. I am just scared I guess. Knowing what it's like to loose a child...I just feel like this might destroy Antonio. Might even make him not be happy for his new baby."

I nodded and understood why she was so worried. She was also worried for our friend because she doesn't want Sylvie to go through the same thing as she did. While it wasn't a miscarriage exactly, it was pretty similar to one. We considered it as a miscarriage rather than that type of pregnancy they said it was because there was a positive pregnancy test. So, that is making it hard. "I just feel really bad for them. Listen, do you just need space right now to think this over? I don't want to be overwhelming you right now or anything." 

Gabby sighed and looked at me. "I don't know what I want right now. My head is still spinning from this news and I am trying to actually process it. I mean, now that I know what it's like having a son...I can somewhat understand what Antonio is going through right now." And that was what she was really dealing with. Since this is so close to home, it just makes her worst fears even more possible and real because she now has a visual of what it might feel like to get this news. I then moved to kiss her forehead while I held her.

"Gabby, Matteo is safe here. We are keeping him safe and healthy. I know what you are thinking baby. You are picturing what Diego might be going through but, with Matteo being there instead. Gabby, you can't do that to yourself. It will destroy you and will make you go crazy. This world is crazy enough as it is right now. We don't need you to go there. Please Gabby, don't go there." Gabby nodded and sighed before moving closer to me. She then held onto me tight and started to cry into my chest. I then kissed her head and whispered to her.

"Gabby, I'm here. Just tell me what you need. If you need me to hold you, I'll hold you tight. If you need to yell, I will listen. And if you need space, I will give you the space you need. You say it, you get it right now." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "What I need right now is for you to hold me close and kiss me. Distract me and give me reassurance that everything will be okay." I nodded and agreed. "That I can do quite easily." I then smiled as I brought her against my chest. 

Slipping her legs in between mine, Gabby then grabbed my arm as I moved my hand to her back. She then leaned in to kiss me softly while rubbing my arm. "I love you Matt and I am so glad we are going through this together. You are my rock and I am glad you are here with me." I smiled and nodded. "Gabby, that's what marriage is. Especially in the hard times. We need to be there for each other. It's a vow remember...through the good times and the bad sickness and in health. Together, in marriage....we've literally had to experience them both."

Gabby nodded and agreed. "However, I don't want you to ever think you are going through this alone. Gabby, you are my wife and we are a team. I'm on your side whenever and wherever you need me. So trust me when I say this, my heart doesn't just break for your family but for you. You know I hate seeing you like this so, I am here for whatever you need. Don't hesitate to ask." Gabby smiled and nodded. "Think you can go get me my sweats? I need to get changed. I threw the ones I had on recently in the laundry. I just want o say here. Maybe some water too?"

I nodded. "Of course." I then moved to kiss her softly. "I'll be back in a minute with your water then I'll get you something to get changed." She nodded and smiled as she let me go. Getting up out of bed, I smiled at her before going to get her some water.

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