Chapter 707

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Matt's POV: Once we finished eating breakfast together that morning, I smiled as I was currently sitting in the living room recliner with Matteo in my lap while Gabby was watching TV. That's when I got an e-mail and went to read it. It was Josh. He sent me some ideas regarding the joint task force I recommended. It was an e-mail he was going to send to mayor Lightfoot. I then looked at Gabby. "Hey Gabby, mind passing me my iPad? I want to read an e-mail Josh sent me."

Gabby then turned to look at me. "Josh, as in City Council?" I nodded before reaching for my iPad. Gabby gave it to me and smiled. "You aren't going back into politics are you?" I shook my head. "No, just gave Josh an idea for something that I think the city should create. Well, I think they should've done it a while ago. A joint CFD-CPD-MED COVID taskforce." Gabby smiled. "That's a really good idea. You see, that Alderman brain of yours still exists."

I chuckled when she said that before going to open my iPad to read the e-mail. I smiled when I read it. 'Just spoke with the mayor. She likes the idea and hates that we haven't done it yet. I also spoke to her about how we should have non-alderman members from each of the joint forces. I also recommended that the meetings be done virtually and put your name forward as a candidate for a spot as the CFD member. I mean, if you want it. If not, I'll talk to your union.

Just write me back. If not, I can try and get you appointed as a civilian/constituent member of the taskforce since we would want input from Chicago residents of course. Let me know what you think and whether you are open to joining the task force. No rush. We still need to talk to council about it and our next meeting isn't for another week. This week is mostly committee meetings. I might bring it up at the Health Committee though. Thanks, Josh.'

I smiled when I read it before looking at Gabby. "Looks like there may be a new job for me out there that I can do from home. Josh said that the mayor likes the idea and that the taskforce would meet virtually instead of at city hall. So, that makes it a lot easier. Who you be okay with me joining the task force Gabby?" Gabby looked at me and nodded smiling. "What else do you have to do other than spend time with your family?" I nodded and smiled. "The meetings probably will be one or two times a week at the most."

Gabby agreed and smiled when I said that. She then got up and moved to kiss my cheek softly. "God, you are so smart." I smiled when she said that before reaching up to grab her neck. Kissing her softly, I smiled as I pulled away before looking at her. "Didn't we say we would spend the day in bed today or are we staying here?" Gabby looked at me and then smiled. "We can spend it wherever you want. Now, give me this guy and get me some water if you want to go sit in bed for a while." I nodded and agreed, giving her Matteo.

Once she had Matteo in her arms, she moved to walk away to our bedroom while I grabbed my iPad and carried it to the kitchen with me. Once I was there, I grabbed a couple water bottles that we could use. Filling them both up with water, I smiled as me and Gabby got ready to relax in bed. It'll be much more comfortable because we have more room to relax with Matteo while also holding each other close under the covers. After all, that was what I loved doing the most.

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