Chapter 703

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Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby finished supper, I was in the middle of doing the dishes and putting the leftovers away when I got a phone call. It was from a number I didn't recognize so I thought maybe it was one of my alderman friend's contacts with Chicago HHS. I decided to answer it since Gabby was currently resting with Matteo. "Hi, Matthew Casey speaking."

That's when I heard someone's voice I hadn't heard in over 6 years. "Hi Matt, it's Hal Thomas." I was shocked, it was my former father-in-law to be, Hallie's father. "Oh god Hal, how are you? Listen, I am so sorry I didn't reach out much 6 years ago." Gabby turned to look at me, confused. Covering the mic, I looked at her. "Hal Thomas. Hallie's father." She stared at me. "Go ahead."

I nodded and walked away to the bedroom to talk to him in private, closing the door...I went to sit on the bed. I then listened to his response. "I'm just down. It's that time of year again. Hallie's birthday." I thought about it and sighed, having completely forgotten. "Oh god Hal, I'm sorry. I forgot. Life has just gotten crazy." Hal agreed. "I normally wouldn't call but Mary's in hospital with COVID." I was shocked when he said that. He and his wife were always close. 

"Wow uhm, that's shocking for her. I mean, she was always the healthiest in the family. And Hallie was a nurse so that's saying something." Hal chuckled when I said that. "God, to think it's already been 6 years. I am just glad she isn't on the front lines fighting this." I sighed when he said that. "You and me both man. I know how it feels to have someone to take care of now. My wife and I just had our son 2 months ago today."

"Wow, uhm congratulations. What's his name?" I smiled and went to talk to him. "Matteo Andres Casey." He smiled at the sound of that. "After Andrew?" I nodded. "Yeah, I always told myself I would honor him in someway." Hal chuckled at the sound of that. "God, crazy world now. So, who did you have it with? I heard you got a divorce." Of course he did. It wasn't a secret. It ended up being part of the political gossip from when I was an alderman.

People thought the real reason I resigned was because I had an affair and tried to fix things in my marriage. That wasn't the case. "We did but, we got re-married. It's a long story Hal you don't really want to hear. It's not something I feel comfortable talking about with you because it's weird. I mean, you were supposed to be my father-in-law. Sorry, just weird." He agreed and chuckled. "Still at CFD?" I smiled. "Yes, as a paramedic. Unfortunately, my lungs have taken a beating recently and I've been de-certified for service."

He was sad about that and just sighed. "Sorry about that Matt. Honestly, you served us long enough. I am just glad you are still serving us. How does your wife feel about you serving the city with a newborn in this time?" I sighed again. "I took time off. I talked to my chief and said I couldn't work with a newborn. It was too risky. I mean, even though not all calls are about COVID, they are still related to COVID because you have to go to the hospital."

He agreed. "You always were the smart one. That's why you had my vote the moment you announced your run for alderman." I was glad to hear he voted for me. "I am glad Hal. I was actually scared you would've blamed me for Hallie's death. I mean, I am a firefighter yet she died in a fire. Did they ever tell you that it was arson?" He sighed and nodded. "Detective Dawson from CPD made sure to come and tell me personally at home. Didn't get why but I appreciated it."

Woah, my current brother-in-law was the one that went to tell my fiancé's father that her death was because of arson? And I am just hearing about this now. I definitely need to give him a call once I am done. "Listen Al, as much as I love talking to you...I have my son to put to bed soon. But listen, you let me know how Mary's fight turns out okay? I'm gonna pray she makes it through. But, regardless...I want to know." He sighed. "Of course Matt. I'll also tell you when the service is in case something happens. Hallie would've wanted you there regardless of whether or not you would be married right now."

I sighed when he said that. "Let's think positive okay Hal? Mary has always been a fighter and was never one to take no for an answer. Remember when me and Hallie talked about doing a destination wedding?" He chuckled and remembered. "She literally called the local wedding venues herself to see what places were available on the days you were thinking of getting married." I chuckled and agreed. "God, when this is over...I want us all to get together and I want you to meet my son. Just remember, keep me in the loop."

He agreed. "Sure thing. Have a nice night Matt and stay safe." I smiled. "Thanks and you too." With that, I hung up and sighed at the thought of him possibly having to loose both his daughter and wife within 6 years of each other. Worst of all, both of their deaths would be to un-natural causes. More specifically, arson/murder and a disease. God, and I thought my life was hard. Having kids was all I ever wanted and I couldn't let it go when it was bad for Gabby's life.

But, my situation was nothing compared to what Hal is going through and it made me feel so bad that what me and Gabby went through was just made worse by this. Setting my phone down on my side table, I sighed as I got up before making my way back out to the living room so I could talk to Gabby and apologize for how I made her feel before she left. This just made me feel even more guilty and lucky all at once. Hal could loose it all if Mary doesn't pull through. Yet me, I have it all because Gabby made it. God, I am so lucky.

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