Chapter 722

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Hermann's POV: As I moved to sit at the end of Matt and Gabby's hotel bed, I saw Gabby sit down with the food from Molly's so they could eat. I needed to make sure that Matt knew what getting a vasectomy resulted in. He and Gabby could never have kids again. Looking at them, I sighed. "Matt, I want to make sure you know....if you go through with the vasectomy, you and Gabby can never had kids again." Matt looked at me and nodded. "That's the point Hermann."

I was confused. "Wait, so you want Matteo to be an only child?" Matt looked at Gabby and sighed before grabbing her hand. "I am leaving it up to you if you want to tell him." Gabby nodded. "Hermann, I have an aneurysm that was leftover from my first pregnancy. It's why we call Matteo our miracle baby. If I get pregnant again, there's a chance I could die. It's located on the main blood vessel that provides blood between my heart and my brain." 

I was shocked when she said that. She started to tear up and Matt just held her in his arms. I saw her lay her head down on his shoulder, Matt kissing her forehead. "It's okay Gabby, I'm here." Gabby nodded and rubbed his hand. I then spoke up to try and comfort her. "Gabby, I'm so sorry about that. What you and Matt are dealing with must be so scary. And Matt, god...what a burden you must have. Knowing that you wanting her in bed can cause her to die."

Matt nodded and sighed when he looked at Gabby, moving his hand to her leg while rubbing it. "The main reason for getting a vasectomy is to prevent that. I can live without another baby but, not without Gabby or her love if you know what I mean." I chuckled and looked at him. "Trust me, that's why got a vasectomy in the first place. Cindy pretty much gave me an ultimatum. It's either that or no more sex. We have enough kids as it is." I nodded and agreed.

"However, make sure you bank your sperm though. If you guys decide to use a surrogate, you need to have it available. Cindy is trying to convince me to go that way. She doesn't want to be pregnant but has baby fever again after seeing how adorable Matteo is." Matt nodded and smiled. "I will definitely remember to do that. Me and Gabby do want more kids. We do but, Gabby just can't be the one to get pregnant. I am not loosing her."

Gabby smiled at him and then went to kiss him softly. "Hermann listen, as much as we love talking to you...I am here on a date with my husband. We have no Matteo and we are alone in a hotel. Almost exactly 1 year to the date since our journey to being parents started." Matt smirked when he said that. "Wait, this was the hotel you stayed at on the night of that fundraiser?" Gabby then turned to look at me. "How do you know that's the night we got pregnant?"

I looked at Gabby. "Gabby, I've had 5 kids. You and Matt only got together that night. You were gone the next day. We all know he's Matteo's dad so...there is really only one chance for him to have gotten you pregnant and it was that night." They both agreed and nodded. Matt then smiled. "It's one next month I believe." Gabby nodded and smiled. "Listen Hermann, as much as we love talking to we said." I nodded. "I get it, date night. I have to go back to Molly's"

Gabby nodded and agreed. "By the way, you need to get me those  books. I want to take a look at them and I want my monthly cut with them." I groaned and looked at her. "When?" Gabby smiled. "November 7th at the latest." I agreed and then went to get up. "Have a good night guys and enjoy the food." I then went and left their room, leaving them be so that they could enjoy the rest of their date night.

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