Chapter 741

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Matt's POV: After moving to sit in the garage with our friends, I was now in the middle of kissing Gabby's head a bit while wrapping my arm around her waist and rubbing her leg. She was still a little emotional because she gave a speech about Shay. Drinking some water as we looked at each other, I smiled at her and moved to kiss her forehead. "You okay?" She nodded while looking at me and moved to grab her hand. Stella then looked at us.

"She okay Matt?" I nodded and smiled. "Just her first Veteran's Day here in a while. It's been 3 years since she's celebrated a Veteran's Day here in Chicago." Severide then looked at her. "God, that must be hard. Especially since we mentioned Shay's name." Gabby nodded and smiled. "I feel like she's with us though. I also know that she would be happy for us. I mean all of us. I mean, she would be so happy for you Kelly. She knows how much you want a kid."

Severide nodded and smiled as he turned to look at Jenn. It still bugs me that her name is literally the same as my doubleganger's ex-fiancé. She even looks like her a bit which is even creepier. She must've noticed me staring because she just looked at me. "Okay, can you please just tell me why you're staying at me when you're married?" That made it awkward and I chuckled. "Okay, this is crazy but do you know who Jennifer Morrison is?"

She nodded. "You mean the actress from House MD and Once Upon a Time?" I nodded. "Well, on House MD...the guy who played Chase is her ex-fiancé. And I've been told that I look a lot like him. So, isn't a little weird. A Jesse Spencer look-a-like and a Jennifer Morrison in the same room?" Everybody laughed when I said that and nodded. "That is weird." Jenn then nodded and smiled. "Okay then, let's relax with that now. However, you don't have his accent."

I chuckled and then went to try and do my best Australian accent. "I can do a pretty good Australian accent though." They were all shocked at how good I was. Gabby chuckled and smiled. "Woah." I smiled at her. "What's that about not having his accent?" Everybody laughed again when we saw Cindy Hermann come in with the kids. "Please don't tell me I missed the ceremony?" Hermann then looked up at her and sighed. "It was at 11."

Cindy sighed and nodded. "Glad to see the entire family is here. How are you doing Gabby?" I turned to look at her when she asked that. I then saw Gabby sigh. "I'm okay under the circumstances. This is the first time I've been here to celebrate Veteran's Day in 3 years. Chicago was also where I lost my ambo partner Shay." She nodded and smiled. "It's also the place you had your son just 2 months ago." Gabby nodded and smiled when she said that. 

That's when Jenn spoke up. "Hold on, you just gave birth 2 months ago and you look like that! Dang, your husband must've used his firefighter skills to get you back in shape like that. I mean, no offence really don't look like one to go to the gym." I just glared at her and was not impressed. I then got up and walked away, really pissed off. "What's her problem?" Matt sighed and looked at her. "It goes deeper. I would please appreciate it if you not talk about her looks. Let's just say that she would rather be healthy than skinny any day." 

I then got up and walked away to find Gabby. She needed to know that I love her for who she is and not what she looks like. In my books, she is the most gorgeous woman in the world. I was also going to ask if she wanted to leave. Maybe we can take a quick walk by the water before we went home. I mean, we do have a babysitter for now and we can take a bit of time alone. We deserve it after all these emotions.

Walking out to our car, I walked up to her and then smiled at her. "Hey, forget what she said in there. You are beautiful Gabby and you're healthy. That's all that matters." Gabby then sighed before looking at me, grabbing my hands. I then moved to intertwine our fingers and moved close to her, kissing her forehead. "If you want, we can head home or we can even go take a walk by the water." Looking up at me, Gabby sighed. "We have to talk to Antonio and see what time he wants to meet up. We're getting together?" 

I looked at her. "Thought we cancelled that." Gabby went to rub my back and nodded. "Right. But listen, maybe we should just head home. I am getting a little emotional and I need to talk to my mom. Maybe us asking her to stay isn't a good idea." I shook my head. "No, she's staying. I want her to stay so we can have a bit of family time. But listen, I will go talk to everybody then we can head home. I promise." Gabby then smiled before leaning up to kiss me softly when we heard Antonio and Sylvie walk up to us.

"You guys leaving?" Gabby then looked at her brother and nodded. "Want to spend time with mom. She's staying at our place tonight." Antonio nodded. "Listen, let's go to my place. I get you're nervous but we've all been tested and my kids aren't home. They're at Laura's. Please, I insist that you come over and relax with us for a while. You need to get out of the house." I nodded and agreed. "Okay fine. Just give us an hour to get mom and Matteo."

Antonio nodded and then smiled. "See you at our place." Antonio then led Sylvie away to his car so that they could go home. I then moved to look at Matt and smiled. "Let's go get my mom and Matteo. Then we can go to Antonio's for a while." I nodded and agreed because I was ready to go home. "I need to get changed out of this anyways." Gabby chuckled and smiled before giving me a quick kiss. I then looked at our friends. "Let's say goodbye quick." She agreed and then walked up the driveway with me again. Making our way to the edge, everybody looked at us.

Severide was about to speak but, I stopped him. "Listen guys, today's ceremony was amazing but we're going to get going. Gabby's mom is in town and we are going to Antonio's for a bit. We're going to have a family lunch together." Chief nodded and smiled. "Thanks again for coming. Stay safe and we hope to see you again soon." We both nodded and agreed, waiving to them. Me and Gabby then make our way back down the driveway to our car.

"How about we call your mom on the way? Maybe she can feed Matteo for us so that he is fed before we go to Antonio's?" Gabby nodded and smiled, agreeing with my suggestion. "Sure thing." I smiled when she said that, ready to spend some time with her family at Antonio's place.

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