Chapter 784

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2 Hours Later - Chicago Med

Matt's POV: As I wake up with a nasty headache, I feel confused and don't understand where the hell I am. I look around and see that I am currently at the hospital. That's when I heard Will come. He was obviously about to check on me when he noticed I was awake. "I bet you're glad that this time it's you that's in the hospital instead of Gabby." I laughed a bit. "What happened anyways?" He looked at me. "According to Gabby, you tripped and hit your head on the coffee table." That's when I got scared. "Please tell me Matteo isn't here too!"

Will then put his hand on my arm. "Calm down man. He was in his crib when you fell. Now, Gabby is not here yet. She called me and told me that she was going to stay at the house until you woke up. Plus, I need to run some tests." I nodded and agreed, letting him get to work. "Are you hurt anywhere?" I then looked at him. "My pride is pretty injured. I mean, I hit my head and I'm in the hospital. I am a firefighter and this puts me in the hospital."

Will chuckled and smiled. "Sense of humor is still in check. How about your eyes." He then put his light in my eyes and asked me to follow them. Everything was okay and I sighed. "Can you just promise me that you will release me today? I am not risking Matteo's health. There's already COVID in my family." Will then looked at me. "Who's got it in your family?" I sighed. "My sister, Gabby's nephew and her ex-Sister-in-Law." Will just looked at me. "Holy shit, that's a lot."

I nodded. "Oh, and did I mention that Antonio's girlfriend is also pregnant with his kid?" Will nodded. "Wait, Sylvie right?" I nodded. "Yes, my ex-girlfriend. It's better now. Was awkward at first." He agreed. "Trust me, I know exactly what you mean." I nodded and smiled when I saw Natalie walk in. "I just called Gabby for you Will. I saw Matt was awake too and did what you promised. Gabby is aware. She isn't coming though. Matteo's asleep."

I then looked at the time and saw it was 10. Of course he was asleep. I then sighed. "What do I do then? You aren't going to clear me to drive. I stay here in a room?" Will looked at me. "We don't see any mental defects. So, unless you want to get a need to wait." I then sighed and looked at him. "What about your brother? He's probably the next safest ride I have. I mean, he's isolating with Erin." Will sighed. "I'll try but, I doubt he'll come."

I then thought about it. "You know what, I'll just wait until Gabby can come. However, I think my phone was in my pocket. Can you grab it for me so that I can call her and tell her I'm awake?" Natalie nodded and went over to my jacket to grab it. "Here, she wanted to hear your voice when I called her but...I said we were still examining you. Dr. Charles will want to see you before we clear you to go however." I nodded and sighed. "Of course. Whenever he can come." I then turned to look at Will. "Forget to mention that?"

He sighed. "Sorry. But yes, I will get Dr. Charles to come see you and clear you. But for now, I will let you be so that you can call Gabby." I nodded and smiled at them both before watching them leave so that I'm alone. Opening my phone, I then smiled as I went to call Gabby on FaceTime. I decided that she might want to see me rather than just hear my voice.

Answering right when I called, she obviously didn't see that it was me and thought it was the doctors. "Any update on his condition Will?" She then turned to look down. I saw she was putting a shirt on because I could see her bra. "You be lucky that I'm the one that's calling. I don't like that you are putting your shirt on and revealing yourself to another man." Gabby then looked at me and then gulped. "Sorry baby. How you feeling?" I looked at her. "Like I feel and hit my head on the corner of a stupid coffee table."

Gabby smiled and looked at me. "So much for our vacation." I nodded and smiled. "I would rather stay home with you. This might put me on bedrest for a while know what that means." Gabby blushed and smiled, putting a strand of hair behind her ear. "God, why must you make me blush when we're not in the same room. Now, you are making me want to reach through this phone and tug you against me. You're such a turn on sometimes."

I smiled and nodded. "Okay, calm down. You're getting me excited. I would like to stay calm down there when I am in the hospital." She nodded and agreed. "By the way, why aren't you wearing a mask?" I then looked around and realized that I don't have one. I then went to push my button. That's when Maggie came in. "Yes Matt?" I then looked at her, turning the phone. "Look who it is Gabby? Our private nurse." Maggie smiled and nodded. "Hey, at least it's this guy's turn to be in the hospital rather than you."

Gabby nodded and smiled. "Maggie, can you get him a mask?" Maggie then looked at me and nodded before walking to the nurse's station. She then came back in and went to give me a mask. "Here, put this on to keep you safe." I nodded and then put my phone on my chest. Putting the mask on, I then smiled as I grabbed my phone again and then showed Gabby. "How do I look?" Gabby smiled. "Thanks Maggie. Listen, I am going to make Matteo a bottle for when he wakes up. Why don't you take a nap Matt?" I then looked at her. "Like I haven't been taking one for the past couple hours?"

Gabby just stared at me. "Enjoy the quiet for a bit okay? He is going to be grumpy. I haven't put him down because I didn't want to have to interrupt his sleep if you woke up in the middle of his nap. So, he'll be asleep while we relax in bed when you're back." I nodded and smiled. "Can't wait. Now listen, I'm going to take a nap. See you when you're here." Gabby looked at me. "Oh, I'm not coming in. I'm just going to call and tell them to let you out."

I nodded and agreed. "Okay, I will get the discharge papers done and just wait for you to come. Don't be too long...I want a better bed. This one is already killing my back." She smiled and nodded. "Fine, I'll come right now. But, you need to get Matteo back to sleep them. Or at least calm him down while he's crying." I nodded and agreed. "Love you." I smiled when she said that. "Love you too." Gabby then hung up so that she could get ready to come get me.

Miracles Season 5: Health First Part 1 (Dawsey)Where stories live. Discover now