Chapter 772

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Gabby's POV: After spending the past 2 hours asleep in bed, I was shocked when I noticed it was already 4 when I woke up. All I could think about was how I must've been really tired. I also wondered where Matt was. When I went to sleep, he was in bed next to me. But now, neither he nor Matteo were anywhere to be found. Getting up out of bed, I decided to walk out of the bedroom. That's where I found them. Matt was currently laying down on the couch with Matteo on his chest. I could see Matteo was enjoying himself because he was looking around the room.

That's when I heard Matt speak to him. "And that's how me and your mom fell in love." He then moved to kiss his head. "Sure, it's been a rocky road but we are here now with you." I smiled when he said that and just listened. "You include all of our breakups and getting back together in that story you just told him?" Matt then looked up at me, unaware that I was standing there. "I decided not to. I'm just so comfortable that I wanted to practice that story."

I nodded and smiled before walking up to him. I then moved to grab the blanket and wrapped it around me. "Here, put him on the other side of your chest." Matt nodded and smiled because he knew what I was about to do. Once Matteo was out of the way, I moved to get on Matt's chest so I was laying there with both my guys. Wrapping his arm around my back, Matt smiled as I laid down in his arms. I then felt his lips on my forehead and smiled at Matteo. "See, your mommy likes this just as much as you do little guy." Matteo smiled when I said that. 

Wrapping his arms around us both, Matt made sure that neither of us fell. I was just shocked that the couch was side enough for him and me to be on there together. "You sure you're not on the edge of the couch?" Matt shook his head as he turned to look at me. "I'm fine Gabby. Anyways, I put one of my legs down on the I am stable." I just nodded and then laid my head back down. "Tell me when you get uncomfortable. I can move or we can stop sitting like this."

Matt then chuckled. "Trust me, I am never not going to be comfortable holding my little family close to me like this. The love of my life and our baby boy." I smiled when he said that and moved to kiss his neck softly since I had the opportunity. Matt smiled when I did that and then moved to rub my butt. "Gabby, Matteo is literally right here on my chest with us. You really think he wants to see you doing that to my neck." I then went to turn his head and kissed him. "Shut up, we both know that you enjoy it when I do that."

He nodded and agreed before smiling at me. Matt then kissed my forehead before looking at Matteo. I then laid my head back down on his chest. "I could get used to this. Us being home with Matteo, cuddling all day on the couch." Matt nodded and smiled when I said that. "Might need to open the couch to be a bed if we are going to do this here." That's when we both turned our heads and looked at each other. I smiled at him. "That's a great idea. Can you do it for me?"

Matt nodded. "However, you need to do something for me first." I decided to tease him a bit. I already knew what he meant but, I wanted to be cute. "Oh really, and what's that?" Matt then went to kiss me before whispering to me. "You need to get off my chest and grab Matteo. Put him in his crib over there because we need to move the table and find a new place for it. We might as well just keep the couch open. That way we can sit out here during the day. Matteo has to be trained when it comes to night and day still." I nodded and agreed before getting up.

I then moved to put the blanket back on the couch when I saw Matt get up. Giving me Matteo, I then watched as Matt took off the cushions from the couch and opened the bed. While not the best looking living room, it was much more practical for what we did here on a daily basis. I then smiled while looking at Matt. "Listen, how about you get the cot for him and put it on here. We might as well keep it on here for when we sit down. Then, I will get blankets and pillows."

Matt nodded and agreed, setting Matteo down on the bed. "He'll be fine there for a minute." I nodded and agreed before walking away to the linen closet we had. I knew we had at least 1 extra set of blankets but, I might buy another one since I liked to rotate ours out every once in a while. More specifically when it starts to stink. God, I love Matt but at times...when he doesn't shower for a couple of days he smells pretty bad. However, I don't complain.

Once I had the linens, I grabbed some pillows from the closet before making my way back to the living room. I then passed the pillows to Matt who was currently making the bed sturdier. Turning to look at me when I threw the pillows at him. "Hey!" He then grabbed one and moved to hit me with one, starting a pillow fight. I then looked at him. "No, we are not doing that. I am not risking us falling on the couch and crushing Matteo!" He nodded and agreed before grabbing the pillows. He then set them up, putting them together because he knew I was going to sit in his lap. 

Once that was done, I unfolded the blankets and Matt started to help me. "You remember how to do the bottom right?" Matt nodded. "Gabby, I know what I'm doing." I nodded and smiled at him as we worked together to make the bed. I then grabbed the blanket and put it on the bed. Unfortunately, Matteo didn't like that and started to cry. Quickly uncovering him, Matt sat down next to him. "Hey, calm down's okay. Daddy's right here." He then picked him up in his arms and rocked him for a bit to calm him down.

I smiled at the sight because I couldn't help but think that Matt is such a great dad. Him with a newborn just makes my heart burst with love and it is so attractive. Once Matteo was calm, Matt set him back down in the cot we were using before looking at me. He then smiled as he walked around the bed and moved to sit down with me. Wrapping his arm around me, he closed the covers and then went to grab the remote he put on the bed. "TV or just quiet?"

I rolled over in his arms and smiled as I felt Matt moved his hand to my leg. "Right now, quiet. But I need you to tell me first when the last time you fed him was." Matt thought about it. "Maybe 45 minutes ago?" I nodded and smiled before kissing him softly. I then moved to cuddle up to him and wrapped my arms around him. "Has anybody told you that you're the best husband a woman could ever ask for?" Matt smiled and turned his head. 

"Considering you are the only woman I have been married to, only you have." I smiled when he said that before moving my hand to his face. Matt just stared at me before bending down to kiss me softly. "I love you." I smiled when he said that. "I love you too." Matt then decided to lay down on his back more. Letting him readjust, I then moved to lay down against his side. Moving my arms around him, I smiled when he wrapped his arm around my back.

"I wasn't going to bring this up but...I wanted to let you know I talked to Antonio recently. They tested Eva and she's come back negative. So have Sylvie and Antonio. However, Laura has tested positive for COVID." Gabby moved to look up at me. I then let a sigh of relief out and smiled. "That makes me feel a lot better. Thanks for telling me that." Matt smiled and nodded before moving to kiss my forehead. He then looked at Matteo and rubbed his back at bit before smiling.

That's when we heard my phone ding. It was in the bedroom and I sighed. Matt then looked at me. "Want me to get it or just ignore it?" I thought about it. "Might be an update on Diego from Antonio. Can you go get it for me? I'll just stay here and relax." Matt nodded and agreed before kissing me softly. "Diego will be fine okay? I promise." I nodded and put on a brave face. However, I couldn't believe that yet because Laura has just tested positive. It's spreading now. Getting up to go to the bedroom, Matt closed the covers for me before walking away so that he could get my phone.

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