Chapter 774

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Gabby's POV: After jumping through hoops and spending the past 45 minutes on the phone with various different people, I finally spoke to something who got me my benefits back. I explained my situation to them and they agreed that it should've never happened. I also told them that Matt is a former firefighter who left the line of duty because of lung problems. They added it to my file so that they knew that, even if they cancelled my benefits....I would still have Matt's. So, they made a note on file to never cancel it because it was useless. It also made it easier on me because then, I only have to carry my insurance card when I need to get something covered.

Walking back out to the kitchen, I saw Matt getting some soft tacos out of the microwave as well as putting the ground beef he made in the bowl. "You already get some cheese and stuff ready for the fajitas or tacos we're having tonight?" Matt turned to look at me and nodded. "The fajitas are in the microwave and just finished. I am also about to make Matteo a bottle. Unless you want to wait to feed him until we are done eating supper?"

I thought about it and decided to do it after supper. "Let's do it after supper. That way we can concentrate on eating before our food gets cold. Then, we can give him a bottle. It's still early and he doesn't go to bed for another couple of hours." Matt nodded and then grabbed an oven mitt. Putting it on the table, he then carried the bowl of meat to the table and set it down. After that, he grabbed the soft tacos and put the plate of them next to the meat.

I smiled at the meal he made when I saw Matt look at me, snapping his fingers...he went to ask me a question. "That reminds me. Did you get your benefits back or are we using my benefits?" I smiled when he asked that. "No, I got my benefits back. They also put on file that we're married and that even if they do cancel my benefits, I get them anyways through you. So, they aren't going to cancel them anymore." Matt nodded and smiled when I said that.

Walking over to him, I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his waist. I then moved to kiss him softly. "Did I ever thank you for being my rock from all these hard times?" Matt nodded and smiled as he wrapped his arms around me. "You don't need to. Last time I checked, it came with the honor of being your husband." I smiled when he said that and laid my head down on his chest. Feeling his lips on my head, I then looked up at him. "Let's eat. We can do that after supper. However, we are sleeping out here tonight."

Matt nodded and agreed. "You want to sit at the table to eat or the couch?" I looked up at him. "At the table. I would rather not find food in our bed tonight." Matt smiled as he let me go. Doing the same, I watched as he went to grab us some plates. I went to grab myself some pop since I could now drink it as I was no longer breastfeeding Matteo. Once I had one, I made my way to the table to wait for Matt to walk over. Once he did, he set our plates down before sitting next to me. We then both went ahead and started to make our fajitas.

While we ate, I made sure that our conversation topics stayed light. I didn't want to dive into anything deep or emotional while we're eating supper. "So, I heard there was a Blackhawks game recently. Who won?" Matt chuckled. "The season hasn't started yet. It starts in January." I turned to look at him and was confused. "What?" Matt sighed. "Because of COVID, they had to stop playing earlier in the year. So, they did the playoffs in August-September. Now, they don't start the new season until January."

I nodded and then looked at him. "You get season tickets again this year or did you just forget about it?" Matt looked at me. "I got a deferral. It was either get a full refund or defer to next year. I decided it was better to keep them since it's already hard enough to get them. Plus, Severide didn't want to cancel them." I then looked at him. "Why does Severide have a say in whether you keep your tickets or not?"

Matt chuckled. "We both pay. We got two tickets in the lower bowl. They are expensive so, we share the cost. And that way, we both have access to the same seats when we want to go on dates." I nodded and smiled. "You still owe me a Blackhawks date from a few years back." Matt agreed. "Maybe we'll finally have the time." We both then laughed, because we both knew that our life was just going to be busier than it was before because of Matteo.

Life was never going to be the same because of our miracle. Instead of dates, we would have to co-ordinate sports, after school stuff and homework as well as our careers. I just hoped that it didn't become too much for us. So far, we haven't been overwhelmed but...we won't really know until he is older because right now he's just a baby. Let's hope that he keeps being an easy baby and in the future, an easy child to take care of. 

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