Chapter 758 (November 12, 2020)

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Gabby's POV: Sitting in the kitchen while I ate breakfast this morning, I smiled at the sight of Matteo playing with some of his toys in the living room. I put him on his play mat after feeding him earlier so that I could have some time to eat breakfast. We were currently alone because Matt went for a run this morning. I was just glad he made breakfast before he left because I was starving the moment I woke up. Yesterday was really tiring and emotional. After paying tribute to my best friend, I was honestly wiped out. I wanted to rest today but I couldn't because of how long Matt had been gone. Normally, he's back by now so I was starting to get worried.

That's when I heard him walk through the door carrying a bag. I was confused as to why he needed a bag but decided to give him a minute to walk in. Seeing Matteo on his mat, Matt smiled as he walked over. "Hey little guy, where's your mom?" I then smiled at the sight of him getting on the ground and laying down next to him. I then decided to speak up. "How much did you work out this morning?" Matt turned to look at me, a little scared. "Dang, you scared me."

I chuckled and smiled as I finished my breakfast before getting up to put my plate in the dishwasher. That's when Matt got up and walked over to me. "You still haven't answered my question." He nodded while walking up behind me when I turned around. Seeing Matt in front of me, I smiled while putting my hand on his chest. By the feeling of how sweaty his shirt was, I knew he had worked out pretty hard. "Let me guess, Severide or Antonio joined you?"

He chuckled. "I went down to Antonio's gym. We spared a bit. He needed to get some frustration out. Apparently he and Sylvie aren't seeing eye to eye when it comes to whether they name their children Dawson Brett or Brett Dawson as last names." I smiled when he said that. "My vote, Brett Dawson sounds better." Matt agreed with me before grabbing my neck and moving to kiss me softly. "Listen, I have to take a shower. I already had breakfast with Antonio."

I nodded and smiled when he said that. "I swear, your relationship with my brother is weird." He just looked at me, confused. "How so?" I smiled at him. "You keep saying that you see him more as a surrogate father-in-law to you, yet you hang out with him like he's your friend and brother-in-law." Matt smiled and agreed. "That's because we've been friends longer than we've been together. I've been friends with him since I first started working at the firehouse. His route was near the firehouse so, we always saw each other and developed a friendship."

I smiled when he said that. "Why did everything change when we got together?" Matt just looked at me and then gave me a 'you know why' look. "Babe, he's your brother. He's overprotective of you and that's why he is always so hard on me." Grabbing my neck, Matt then moved to kiss me softly. "Listen, as much as I am enjoying this conversation...I need to take a shower. However, you need to get changed if I promised to wear something for me."

I smiled and then moved to undo my bathrobe. I was still wearing my nightie from last night and Matt loved that. Moving his hand to my side, I knew he was about to bring me against his sweaty chest when I stopped him. "Shower before you even think about doing that." He nodded and agreed before stealing a quick kiss. "I won't be long. How about you get him and get comfortable in bed after I grab some clothes." I agreed and nodded as I let him go.

Walking away to our room so he could grab some clothes, I smiled as I watched Matt get ready to take a shower. Once he grabbed his sweats and some new boxers to wear around the house, Matt smiled at me before making his way into the shower. Once he was out of the bedroom, I went to pick Matteo up in my arms and grabbed his playmat and toys. He was going to do this at the end of our bed instead of out here because I want Matt to hold me in bed today. 

Maybe I could even convince him to give me a nice massage in return for some sexy kisses. Or even better, me laying down on his muscular chest. He is so easy to please. Makes life so easy. I literally just have to please him and I get my way. Better not tell him that though because then my life might get a bit harder.

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