Chapter 706

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Matt's POV: While I was making the pancakes, I realized that I never asked Josh what the city's stance was on Halloween. I then decided to send him a text to get an answer. 'Hey, has city council talked about Halloween? What you guys recommending? Want to know if I need to buy candy or not?' Putting my phone down on the counter, I didn't know how long it would take for him to reply when he did it pretty much instantaneously. 'City recommends no trick-or-treating' 

I nodded and agreed before texting him back. 'Thx have a good day.' I then put my phone down for good, deciding to make a couple more pancakes with what little mix there was left in the bowl since I thought it was always good to have leftovers. That's when I heard Gabby come out when she was done feeding Matteo. "How many pancakes are you making?" I turned to look at her and chuckled. "There's just a bit of batter left. Making some small ones for quick snacks."

Gabby nodded and smiled when I noticed what Matteo was wearing. "Who bought him that teddy bear costume?" Smiling, she looked down at Matteo. "Antonio gave it to me a few years back when we were first expecting. I then gave it back to him since I didn't want it around yet I didn't know if we would have kids again. Since we did, he gave it back to me." I smiled when she said that before walking over and picking Matteo up in my arms. I then smiled at him.

"You are such an adorable little cub aren't you buddy?" I then moved to kiss his cheek before laying him down on my chest. "Listen, I just texted my city council friend. He says the city is recommending no trick-or-treating. So...I wasn't going to do anything today." Gabby nodded and agreed. "I wouldn't want you to do anything anyways. We have a baby remember?" I didn't even think of that. All the opening and closing of the door. The disease spreads through air so...

I sighed and looked at her. "Sorry, I wasn't even thinking of that. I just thought about whether we should get candy or not." Gabby nodded before going to rub my cheek. "Let me guess, someone's Halloween sweet tooth is starting to act up." Gabby then walked away to the pancakes. "Oh shut up, you're the one that always..." She turned to look at me. "Nice try Matthew, you know full well that you are the one that always ate the leftover Candy. I had to hide some the last time we did it so I could have my Snickers! You know they're my favorite."

I nodded and knew that very well. I haven't touched one since because I remembered how mad she got the last time I ate it. However, knowing she probably has a sweet tooth regardless of her wanting to stay in shape, I decided to buy some and keep them in the pantry. "Look in the pantry, second shelf from the bottom." She turned to look at me confused before walking over to the pantry and squatting to look on the shelf. She then smiled when she saw the snickers.

She then got up and smiled at me. "God, you must really love me if you keep surprising me with all these treats." I smiled at her and then nodded. Grabbing her hand as we stood next to each other. "You are my entire world Gabby. That's why we just fell back into place so easily. You complete me. Honestly, the entire time we weren't together it felt like my life was missing something. More specifically, someone. And now...I know who those people are."

Gabby smiled when I said that before stepping close to me. Wrapping her arm around my shoulder, she smiled as she went to kiss me softly and then looked at Matteo. "I feel the same way. Honestly, this is all I need for my life to be complete. Our miracle and my wonderful husband." I smiled when she said that before kissing her again. "Okay, before we gross Matteo out and before the pancakes get cold...we should probably eat. I'm going to go put him in his chair and then we can eat breakfast together." Gabby nodded and agreed as she went to grab herself a plate and some pancakes.

Meanwhile, I walked over to the living room and went to put Matteo down in his chair so that he could relax and watch as the mobile went round and round while we ate breakfast that morning. After making my way back, I smiled as I sat down with Gabby and grabbed myself some pancakes. I was really hungry and ready to eat, thank god it was now time to do just that. "Can you pass me the butter and syrup?" Gabby nodded as she finished using them before smiling at me as we prepared to eat breakfast together that morning.

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