Chapter 711

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Boden's POV: After getting off the phone with Voigt, I decided to call a quick meeting of the firehouse. Walking into the briefing room, I saw them all walk in. "What's this about Chief?" I heard Kelly speak up first. I then looked at them all. "I've just been informed by Voigt that Casey has been kidnapped in the back of his work truck." They all stared at me shocked. "They have asked us to help by keeping our eye out for his truck while we are out on calls."

Severide spoke up again. "Has anyone talked to Gabby?" Everybody looked at each other. Stella then decided to text her. 'You okay girl? Need someone to give you comfort?' Waiting for answer, Stella spoke up right when she got a text back. "Antonio's with her right now. They're keeping each other company at her place. She's all good. Just wants Matt back." We all agreed and then looked at each other. Hermann then spoke up.

"Chief, we can't just stay here. Why don't we go out too and search the city? We can keep our radios on?" I thought about it and nodded. "Okay, but if we get a call...then we need to go there first. Ambulance stays here for when he's found. He might need to go to Med so we need you guys to be able to respond everywhere. I am going out as well. This is a joint CPD-CFD search and we will find him. Now, let's get out there and find Matt!" 

Narrator's POV: Once Boden finished talking to all of Firehouse 51, everybody made their way to the turnout room to grab their gear. Getting dressed in case there was a fire, they then made their way into the trucks and left together. Severide radio'd 51 to them. "You guys take northside, we'll take southside." Responding to them, Hermann agreed. "Sure thing. Ambo?" Emily Foster then said. "We'll do outer loop and stay on the edges. Chief can you do downtown?" Boden then replied. "Sure thing Foster. First one to find Matt doesn't have to cook for the next week." Boden thought that would encourage them to work faster.

And it did. Truck, Ambo, and Squad then started rushing through their assigned parts of the city with the hopes of finding Matt first so that their respective groups don't have to cook for the next week.

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