Chapter 742

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Gabby's POV: As I walk into the apartment with Matt, I see my mom standing in the washroom while Matteo is in his chair. "Mom, you feed him like I asked?" She turned to look at me and then walked out in a nice dress. "Of course mija. However, you should've told me how much to give him. I am scared whether I gave him too little or too much." Matt then looked at her. "Did he spit up a bit?" My mom nodded. "I cleaned him of course." Matt smiled and nodded.

He then turned to look at me. "I am going to go get changed okay? How about you make some more bottles to take to Antonio's?" I nodded and smiled as Matt walked away before going to the kitchen to make some more bottles for Matteo. I then watched as my mom sat back down and looked at me. "So, how did the ceremony go?" I chuckled while looking at her. "It was surprisingly easier than expected. I thought I would get more emotional."

My mom looked at me confused. "What's wrong sweetie? What's got you all emotional?" I sighed and looked at her. "It's my first Veteran's Day here in Chicago in 3 years. You remember my friend that was my ambulance partner?" My mom nodded. "Elizabeth." I nodded. "I called her Shay but, yes. It was my first time being here and remembering her since I got back." My mom smiled. "How was Puerto Rico anyways? Did you get a lot done?"

I sighed and looked at her. "At first I did. But, once I got pregnant...I stopped working as much and ended up mostly working from a desk. Didn't want to risk this pregnancy. You remember what happened to my first one right?" My mom nodded. "And the aneurysm. Your father told me all about it when he tried to talk to me about how we need to be united in us not being happy about the fact that you got pregnant. However, I am happy for you. Being a mom, I know what it's like to be pregnant and how much every girl wants it. I couldn't be mad at you for wanting it too. God, you should see how far some women go to become moms."

I nodded and agreed smiling. "We're already talking about another baby. This one will take longer though. We can't take too long though because of our ages. Matt's already in his mid-30s. He wants to be in his early 60s at the latest when the kids are done college." My mom nodded again and smiled. "Then you guys better find that surrogate. Now, which type are you thinking?" I smiled at the thought of it. "I want to be genetically related to our child."

My mom agreed. "That'll be nice. Just make sure you vet the prospective surrogate." That's when I heard Matt come out. "Trust me, once we are ready to start the process...the first thing I am doing is calling Antonio to get a background check. I am not letting a woman anywhere near my sperm or Gabby's eggs if they are shady. I already have a mother who is a criminal, don't need the surrogate mother to be a criminal too."

I turned to look at Matt and sighed. "I don't think I ever told my mom what you mean by that." My mom then looked at Matt. "So please let me know." Matt sighed and looked at my mom. "My mom killed my dad because he was abusive to me, her and my sister." My mom looked shocked when I said that. "And Ramon doesn't like you? Seriously, you are like the perfect guy for our daughter. It's a known fact that 9 times out of 10...a boy who witnesses their father be violent against their mom or who is a victim themselves is less likely to be abusive."

Matt then nodded while wrapping his arms around me. He then kissed my shoulder and smiled. "Listen, how about you go get changed? Then we can head to Antonio's. You're aware that his kids aren't going to be there right Camila?" My mom then nodded at Matt. "I spoke to Antonio while you were on your way here. He wanted to let me know ahead of time. Listen, you guys just get ready. I have my car so, I'm driving over there. See you guys soon." 

My mom then got up and grabbed her bag. She then walked over to the door and grabbed her shoes. Being the perfect gentleman he is, Matt grabbed my mom's jacket before giving it to her. "Here you go Camila." My mom then smiled as she turned to look at him. "You found a good one Gabby. Don't let him go this time." I smiled and nodded. "I won't." My mom then walked out of our place so that she could make her way to Antonio's. I then looked at Matt and smiled. "Let me get ready and then we can go." He nodded and agreed before smiling, walking over to Matteo before spending a few minutes alone with him before we headed to Antonio's for thanksgiving.

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