Chapter 766

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Matt's POV: After eating lunch together, Gabby was currently in the getting dressed after taking a shower since she hadn't taken one in a few days. While she was doing that, I got dressed in some jeans and a sweater before starting to get Matteo dressed. Carrying him into the nursery, I decided to look in the closet to see what we had for him. I then went and picked out a new PJ, some pants and a sweater he could wear. Walking over to him, I smiled because hew as smiling at me.

I then went and tickled him. "Someone ready to go outside for a little?" I then went got him changed, deciding to start with his diaper because I didn't know whether we would be near a change room at all. After opening up the diaper, Matteo then started to pee all over my nice sweater. "You little! God, you're lucky you're cute!" Gabby then walked in when she finished putting some jeans and a sweater on when she saw why I said that. Gabby laughed a bit.

"Let me guess, that isn't water?" I looked at her and shook my head. "Can you take over? I need to go change my sweater." Gabby nodded and smiled before walking over to take over. I then walked away to the bedroom. Walking into our room, I saw that Gabby had already taken out a new sweater for me. Maybe she didn't like the sweater I was wearing. Grabbing it, I looked at it confused before making my way back to the nursery. "Didn't like this sweater?"

Gabby turned to look at me. "You don't look good in bright colours. Sorry, it's the truth." I nodded and then went to take off my sweater to change into the navy blue one that was on the bed. Once I had it on, I turned to look at Gabby and she smiled. "Much better. However, I think I am biased considering I have only ever seen you wearing Navy blue jackets and sweaters." I laughed and smiled. "You mean my captain's jacket?" She nodded and smiled.

I then walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. Putting her hands on my arms, Gabby smiled as she leaned up to kiss me. "We really need to calm down you know that right? I don't want to be those parents who are always all over each other." I then turned to look at Matteo. "Doesn't seem like he's complaining right now. Plus, it might be healthy for him to see his parents happy and in love. Be much different than my childhood." Gabby then nodded.

"You are trying to give him the childhood you wish you had aren't you?" I sighed and nodded before kissing her forehead. Gabby then put her hands on my chest and rubbed it while we held each other there. "I understand okay? Just maybe tone it down. I mean, when we are here at home...I don't mind being a little sexy in front of him but, you are even doing it outside. I mean, the ass grabbing and stuff? That seems a little much."

I agreed and nodded before smiling at her. "Sure, now...I am going to go get car seat set up in the living room. How about you pick him up and bring him out to me? Then we can leave through the back door." Gabby smiled and nodded as I walked out. Walking towards the front door, I went to grab the car seat which doubled as the stroller seat. Once it was out and on the table, I saw Gabby come out with Matteo and smiled. "Where's the stroller?"

I then looked at the car seat. "The actually stroller part with the wheels is out in the car. We only have the car seat in here. I just leave the stroller outside because we mostly use our car to get somewhere we need it. Anyways, it's not like the car isn't on the way out to the sidewalk when we go take a walk." Gabby nodded and agreed. She then moved to set Matteo down in the car seat. She then put his blanket (which she grabbed from his crib on top of him). "To keep him warm." She then turned to look at me. "And make him look pretty adorable."

I couldn't disagree with her, the way he looked in his car seat was pretty damn adorable. Then again, he looked pretty damn adorable all the time. After all, he is our son. "When doesn't he look adorable? I mean, look at him." Gabby nodded and agreed before going to grab her jacket from the closet. She then moved to put find her shoes when she remembered that she's been wearing her boots mostly. "Got, I keep forgetting to do that." I was confused. "Do what?"

Turning to look at me, Gabby moved to grab her boots. "I need to get some better walking shoes. I can't keep walking in good shoes or boots." I nodded and agreed. "Maybe we can go get some when we do groceries next time? Or we can go when the sales start. There's going to be sales coming up with thanksgiving and black Friday." Gabby then added on. "Sure, because I am going to go to the stores for Black Friday sales when there's a pandemic. Matt, c'mon. Think about it." I nodded and agreed that it was a bad idea.

I then smiled at Matteo. "Then we can order some online. They must have a website where you can order shoes that are delivered right to your door." Gabby nodded and agreed. "They probably though. But listen, let's not talk about shopping right now. Let's go take that walk. It's nice out and I need some fresh air." Gabby then went to grab her mask and put it on before grabbing mine and giving it to me. "You still have to wear this though even though we are going outside." I already knew that but just nodded and agreed so I didn't start a fight.

After putting it on, I looked at the stroller. "Who's pushing the stroller?" Gabby smiled at me. "Can you? You can do it with one hand. I can't and we both know that we are going to want to hold hands while we are on the walk considering that is what we always do." I nodded and agreed. "We going to the park for a bit? I want to see what the local park looks like. I mean, it's where Matteo is going to start playing next summer." I agreed with that. "Sure thing, but we stay closer to the sidewalk. There might be kids there who can spread the virus."

I nodded before going to push Matteo towards the door. Opening the door for him and Gabby, I smiled when we were outside. Gabby then caught up to me and grabbed my hand while closing the door behind us. I then moved to lock the door with my keys so that all of our stuff was safe. Once that was done, I grabbed Gabby's hand again and then led her down the path that connects our front door to the sidewalk as we got ready to leave on our family walk towards the local park.

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