Chapter 684 (October 30, 2020)

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Matt's POV: As I woke up the next morning, I was currently in the midst of putting some sweats on as well as a long sleeve shirt since I was getting ready to go for a morning run. Grabbing a jacket to wear from my closet I then walked over to my side table to grab my phone and wallet. Checking to make sure I had the grocery list on my phone, I was about to leave when I saw Matteo stirring in his crib. He was awake and I smiled. "Hey but, it's too early for you to wake up." I then moved to rub his cheek, deciding to pick him up. 

Matteo is actually 2 months old as of today. Holding him in my arms, I smiled as I rocked him a bit before deciding to carry him out to the living room with me, hoping to get him to fall back asleep before I left. I quietly closed the door before deciding to go grab the baby jungle gym we have. I think we should start keeping it in the living room. Based on a book I read, he was now the prime age for him to use it.

Moving to set him down on the couch before I went to grab the baby jungle gym, I smiled as I bent down and kissed his forehead softly. "Hi Matteo. Is daddy your favorite right now?" He smiled and laughed at me as I went to get up. Quickly making my way to the nursery, I got out the baby jungle gym before carrying it back to the living room. It was already assembled because I knew we would need it soon. Putting it on the ground, I smiled while laying him down.

Keeping him within my eye sight, I walked over to the kitchen to make myself a quick smoothie for the run as well as some breakfast. I was going to take the car and head out to a trail so that I could get groceries on the way back like I promised Gabby. Right now, I was planning on doing most of the shopping. Starting myself a bagel, I turned to look at Matteo and smiled before going to check if there was a bottle of breastmilk in the fridge before sighing. "Gabby needs to make some." That's when I heard Gabby walk up to me. "Gabby needs to make some of what?"

I turned to look at her and sighed. "Hey, did I wake you up?" She nodded while walking up to me. "I also heard you talk to Matteo. Knowing he was up, I knew it would probably be time to feed him soon." Wrapping her arm around my back as she stepped close to me, I smiled while moving to kiss her softly. "And by the way, I will always be his favorite for the next year." I chuckled when she said that before rubbing her back. I then kissed her forehead while turning to look at Matteo. "He turned 2 months today." Gabby looked up at me.

"Shit, is he really 2 months already?" I nodded and smiled. "Tomorrow's Halloween." She smiled before rubbing my back. "Listen, I probably should feed him. We can sit out here today and just relax." I nodded and agreed. "Sure thing. Now, I am going to get the groceries. You are going to meet me at the grocery store when I'm there right? Just wait in the car though." She nodded and agreed. "Of course. Now, go for your run. Your shake is ready. I have breakfast."

I nodded and smiled, moving to kiss her forehead softly. "Love you." Gabby smiled as I walked away. "Love you too and be safe." I nodded while grabbing my mask. "Always." I then opened the door to leave the house, ready to go for a morning run.

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