Chapter 734

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Matt's POV: Once Gabby was done in the kitchen, she made her way over to me. Smiling as I looked up at her, I Put my hand out to let her sit down with me. Moving into my lap, Gabby smiled as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder before kissing my head. "I love you." I smiled when she said that and then went to grab the blanket. Covering us both, I smiled as I put my feet up on the table before putting my hand on Gabby's leg. I then felt her snuggle up to me more. "You cold Gabby?" Gabby nodded and sighed. "A little."

Wrapping my arm around her more, I turned my head and smiled at her. "Want me to turn the fireplace on?" Gabby then put her hand on my neck and smiled. "Is there a way you can do it without moving out from under me?" I nodded and reached over to the side table for the fireplace remote. Turning it on from the couch, I smiled as I went to set it. I then put the remote back down and smiled at Gabby. She then moved her arms around me as we held each other close. "You know, these are the times where I am really glad to be home."

Turning my head to look down at her, I kissed her forehead softly while running my fingers through her hair. "What do you mean Gabby?" Gabby then smiled at me. "You know I love to snuggle up to you and be in your arms. You make me relax right away and make me feel so safe." I smiled when she said that. "You want to know what makes me really glad you're home?" Gabby looked at me again. "What?" I looked into her eyes and smiled. "The fact that I now know for certain that I am not going to get a call from Antonio with bad news."

Gabby then looked at me and kissed my forehead. "That was probably one of your biggest worries while I was there?" I nodded and sighed. "I already lost one woman I love to death. I didn't know what it was like down there. And from what I saw on the news, I knew that the medical situation down there wasn't the best. So...I knew that, if you got in hospital...the chances of you surviving would be much worse down there than if you were here."

Gabby nodded and leaned her forehead against mine. "That was the biggest reason why I decided to come home so I could give birth. That and I wanted you to be in Matteo's life from birth. I am just so sorry I didn't call you. If I had to regret anything about that day, it was that I didn't call you. You deserved to be there regardless of how mad you would've been." I nodded and smiled at her. "Well, you can stop regretting that because I was there. Maybe it was faith."

Gabby smiled and nodded before turning to look at Matteo. "Trust me, I believe a lot of this is faith. I mean, it can't all be luck that I survived my pregnancy, successfully gave birth to Matteo, got the man I love back, got him to marry me again and now, we have our dream life." I smiled when she said that before leaning my forehead against hers. Kissing her again, I smiled as we held each other close. "You know I love you like crazy don't you?" Gabby nodded smiling.

I then moved to grab her hand and intertwined her fingers when I heard my phone ring. I went and checked the caller ID. I saw it was Christie and decided to ignore it. Gabby looked at me. "Who was it?" I sighed. "It was Christie." Gabby then nodded. "Not right now. We are currently in the midst of watching TV." Getting the hint, I went to grab the remote for the TV before turning it on. I then moved to set it down when I saw what was on. It was the news.

Seeing the headline, we both sighed. "48 hours." Gabby said before looking at me. I nodded and then smiled at her. Kissing me again softly, Gabby relaxed in my arms some more until we heard Matteo fart. Turning my head to look at him, I saw him smile. I knew what that meant. It was going to be dirty. "I got it." Gabby turned to look at me. "You sure?" I nodded as she let me up before going to grab him. "I'll just take off my shirt as I clean him." Gabby nodded and smiled.

I then smiled at Matteo when he was in my arms and kissed his head softly. I then made my way into our bedroom so that I could change him.

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