Chapter 704

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Matt's POV: As I made my way back to bed, I looked at Gabby who was currently in the midst of playing on her iPad while she laid down in bed. Moving to walk over to her, I moved her iPad out of the way and then bent down to kiss her softly. She was a little shocked when I did that but smiled while grabbing my neck. "What was that all about? Why did Hallie's dad call?" I sighed when I walked around the bed and then went to sit down next to her. "It's nothing." Gabby looked at me as she shut off her iPad screen. "Matt, I heard you talking on the phone. What is it?"

Slipping into bed while still wearing my sweats, I grabbed her hand and rubbed it. "It's Hallie's birthday." Gabby nodded. "And he couldn't talk to his wife?" I sighed again when she said that. "Hallie's mom is currently in the hospital fighting COVID." Gabby looked at me, shocked when I said that. "Oh wow. That's a lot to take in." I nodded and agreed. "He didn't know who else to call so, he gave me a call. I hope that's okay?"

Gabby smiled. "Of course it's okay. You guys are basically family considering he was your father figure before Hallie died. I mean, your mom was in jail at the time so he was the closest thing you had to a parent period." I agreed and nodded before bringing her close. "I haven't talked to him since the funeral. However, I am not done making phone calls about this. Tomorrow, I need to call your brother. I'm not happy that he didn't let me go with him when he talked to him. Remember how her death was ruled arson?" Gabby nodded.

"I asked him as a favor, we were dating by then...that I wanted to go with him when he talked to Hal and Mary when he told them. Unfortunately, I wasn't there. So, they had to deal with it alone without me to help. I don't know why but...I felt like I should've been there. I brought her into this world and always felt partially responsible for her death." Gabby just grabbed my neck and then moved to kiss me. "Matt, you aren't responsible for her death. She was murdered." I nodded and agreed before sighing. "Still, I was a firefighter on the scene."

Gabby agreed. "Matt, we both know what shape she was in. I was the paramedic who treated her. And I don't think I've ever told you this, I knew. I knew the moment we put her in the ambulance, everybody did." Matt looked at me and sighed. "We all knew that she was gone and that there was no saving her. We just all agreed that we couldn't break your spirits yet. You had hope and we wanted you to hold onto it in case we were wrong. But, we all knew. It's why none of us were shocked when you said she died."

I sighed and nodded. "I appreciate that. Honestly, it probably would've been way worse riding in that ambulance with you knowing you thought she didn't have a chance. I would've been pissed." Gabby nodded and then went to kiss me softly. "Listen, if you need time to deal with this...I understand." I nodded and smiled. "Just to let you know...I hate to think this way but...if the worse happens, I told Hal that I wanted to be there." Gabby nodded and then kissed me softly. "We will be, I promise. You tell him about us?"

I nodded and smiled. "He was so happy for me...for us. I even told him about Matteo. He loves the name and it was nice. It was a hard conversation for us but it ended on a good note." Gabby smiled before kissing me again. "You feel like you want to stay up a little longer or are you ready to go to bed? I understand if you would rather just go to bed after that." I smiled at her before bringing her close to my chest. I then moved to kiss her again. "Right now, what I want is for you to kiss me."

Gabby chuckled and nodded as she started to kiss me slowly. We eventually ended up just making out for the rest of the night before eventually falling asleep in each other's arms. We didn't go very far but I was still pleased. Gabby gave me pleasure in ways I never expected her too and I planned to bring it up when we talked in the morning. I need to know where she found those amazing moves and I needed to tell her I wanted them again. Maybe in the shower. 

I was going to let her get in before me. That way, she wouldn't have a choice as to whether she took a shower with me because she wouldn't be the one joining me in the shower, instead...I would be the one joining her. God, that is going to be fun. Just me and her, standing close to one another...naked under the water. I was getting turned on just thinking about it. But, I needed to concentrate on something else right now, the feeling of Gabby against me in bed. 

While I was dreaming about her gorgeous body, wet and naked against mine in the shower...she moved closer to me and started to kiss my neck. I was definitely enjoying this as we took our time that night, giving each other the pleasure we both wanted and deserved. And luckily for us, Matteo stayed fast asleep in his crib next to our bed which meant that we didn't need to stop for a while. God, he definitely is going to be so helpful when it comes to this. Best wingman ever.

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