Chapter 746

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Meanwhile with Jay & Erin - Erin's POV: As I sat down on the counter in our kitchen, I smiled because I was currently in the midst of undoing his shirt and rubbing his chest. Whoever said that pregnancy hormones doesn't make you want more sex was wrong. Grabbing his neck when his shirt was undone, I smiled when he took it off and went to kiss my neck. "Oh baby." That's when I heard someone else's voice other than Jay's. "Oh disgusting!"

Realizing it was Antonio's voice, I pulled away from Jay. "You okay?" I looked at him. "Check your phone." He looked at me confused and saw that he had pocket dialed Antonio. "Sorry Antonio, must've hit a button my accident." I then spoke up and smiled. "Sorry, pregnancy hormones." Antonio then laughed. "You're lucky I understand." We both then laughed, realizing he was getting some action from Sylvie. "Have a good Veteran's day. Bye Antonio."

Hanging up his phone, Jay then looked up at me and laughed. "What time did you say that Hank was going to be here for lunch? He needs some cheering up today." I nodded and agreed while kissing him slowly. "Should be here in an hour." Jay nodded and was about to kiss my neck when we both heard that signature raspy voice we could only associated with Voigt. "Or right now. You forgot I had a key to your place?"

I turned my head to look at him and then stared at him. "Voigt! What the fuck!" I then got down off the counter and went to do up my shirt. He then looked at us. "Sorry, bad timing?" Getting off the counter, I looked at him. "Yes." Once Jay had his shirt done up, he saw at Hank wasn't wearing a mask. "And where the hell is your mask Voigt?" He then walked up behind me and gave me a mask we kept on the counter."

Hank then sighed and remembered that we were in a pandemic. Grabbing his cloth mask from his pocket, he put it on. "Sorry. Keep forgetting." Jay then spoke up. "Well stop forgetting Voigt! It's not a time to forgot something this serious." Voigt was not happy. "Watch it bud. I can still cancel the wedding!" Jay just looked at him. "Voigt, I am yelling at you for Erin's health and the health of our unborn child! Your grandchild!"

Voigt then nodded and understood why Jay was yelling. He then sighed. "Just wanted to come give you updated files for the case you're working on. We've wrapped it up and we are now transitioning to helping the DA on the case. Jay, if you want you can work from home. I am putting you and Erin on this case until the end of the trial. You will be helping the DA." He then looked at Jay. "Can you come outside and help me get the boxes from my car?" Jay nodded before looking at him. "Only after you put the house key on the counter."

I agreed with his statement and stood with Jay on that. Hank then carried his key to the counter and gave it back to us. Smiling when he did that, Jay then followed him out to his car so that he can grab some files. He seemed really happy to be getting this job because it was going to give us more time at home together and it was something we could do here with the DA. Much easier and much less stressful. 

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