Chapter 708

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Matt's POV: Once I finished grabbing us some water, I made my way into the bedroom to see Gabby talking to someone on FaceTime. Smiling at her as I walked over to her side of the bed, I moved to kiss her while setting her water down on the side table. "Who you talking to?" She was about to answer when Stella answered for her. "If you don't mind, I would appreciate you not make out with your wife when I am on FaceTime with her." I turned to look at her and smirked before giving Gabby another kiss just to annoy her.

Gabby chuckled when I did that before eventually pushing me away. "Go sit down next to me and then talk with us. We need to talk Severide out of doing something he'll regret in what he wants to be the nursery for his kid." I then got nervous, knowing that Severide was not the best judge when it comes to paint colors or kids stuff. I remember what he tried to give me once while I was out for a jog. He bought something for Matteo and I had to refuse it because it was horrible. Let's just hope he didn't do anything permanent yet.

Unfortunately, he did. Looking at what Stella was showing me, I just laughed. "Severide, you seriously think that your kid is going to want a CFD logo painted on the wall of their nursery?" Severide turned to look at Stella when he heard me. "Seriously, you had to call them?" She argued back in defense of herself. "Sorry but, they are the only friends of mine that are both parents and professional painters. So yeah I called them. Anyways, only Matt could really get you to stop doing this. He has a way of talking to you."

I laughed because I knew it was true. For some reason, me and Severide just have a way of talking to each other in a way that we only understand. It also helps that I've known Severide the longest. We went to the fire academy together and graduated in the same class. We moved up the ranks together. However, not with my most recent promotion (before moving to ambo). While I was now a Fire Captain at CFD, Severide was still squad lieutenant. I think he's jealous.

"Well, when we were at work...either I had to talk to him as his best friend or I had to pull rank sometimes just to get him to listen to me. I was not afraid to do it because I acted as the good angel on his shoulder. Severide acts much quicker than I do. However, it isn't always good. But, he gets the job done and honestly, that's all that matters." Severide looked at me and knew I added on the last part just so that he wouldn't get mad. "Oh shut up Matt. You've screwed up."

I knew that was true as well. "However, we can both agree that when it comes to my personal life, I haven't screwed up as much as you have." He then glared at me. "At least I didn't get a divorce when you still loved Gabby!" I just stared at him. "At least I didn't marry a girl in Vegas when I was still grieving because I just lost a friend!" He was about to argue but we all knew he couldn't top that. "I still hate that you were the first one out of the two of us to get married. I mean, I was engaged first yet you still got married before me."

Gabby turned to look at me. "We weren't engaged at the time." I looked at her and sighed. "I am talking about me and Hallie." Gabby nodded and understood what I meant. "Okay." I smiled at her and then moved to kiss her softly. Severide then groaned. "Dude, if we are going to talk please don't make out with your wife while we are on the phone." I turned my head and looked at him, glaring at him and making a face he knows I only make when I'm annoyed.

"Oh shut up man, you get to have her 24 hours a day, 7 days a week right now." I was not happy when I said that. "You really think I have a choice? You realize that I would love to be out there with you guys helping people. It's in my blood. However, we all know why I am not out there helping you. It's because of Matteo. I need to protect him Severide. So yes, is one of the benefits that I get to be with Gabby 24/7? Of course but, it's not completely my choice."

I then turned to look at Gabby. "Gabby, don't even think about getting mad at me for saying that because we both know you feel the same way. If we were just married and didn't have Matteo, we would both be out there on Ambo helping people with COVID." Gabby nodded and agreed, smiling as she grabbed my hand. "I wasn't going to say anything because I know that's true." I smiled when she said that before kissing her forehead.

"About that. What are the calls like? And what's life like at the firehouse at this time?" Severide looked at me. "You wouldn't recognize the place. You can't shower whenever you want. Only 1 person can be there at a time. You need to wear a mask whenever you're in the firehouse including when you're in the shower. And you also have to wear a mask on your way to and from a call. You can only take it off when you're fighting a fire." I looked at him, shocked.

"Wow, that's crazy. What are the paramedics doing?" Gabby turned to look at me. "They are wearing masks all the time too. Mostly paper masks. They have to go in and out of the hospital all of the time so they just leave them on. However, I think they should get N-95 masks. They cover your entire mouth and nose. Much better when it comes to breathing." I looked at her nodded. "I should offer some to the firehouse. I think I have some in my truck."

Gabby looked at me. "Then why are we just wearing our normal face masks? If you have some N-95 masks, then we should wear them. Go get them out of your truck for me okay? They are much better." I nodded and agreed, kissing her forehead softly before getting up off the bed so that I could go get the masks for her. "Okay, I'll be back in a minute." Gabby nodded and smiled as she watched me leave. Walking out of the bedroom, I went to grab my jacket and then put some shoes on so that I could make my way out to my truck to grab the masks.

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