Part 1

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"Life goes on."


Wearing an all black outfit, tears kept running down my face, holding an umbrella because of the light drizzle and my eyes fixated to the gravestone where Mama's name is beautifully engraved.

Veronica Lee 1981.

"It's so sudden..."

None of our relatives knew about Mama's death which is why the burial seemed so lonely. Only me and the one who also witnessed Mama's death declaration, Mingyu.

"Rest in peace, Auntie." Mingyu said and placed down the daisy above Mama's gravestone.

"Mama, we brought you your favorite flower..." I said and also placed down the daisies above her gravestone and sobbed once again.

"I should've taken more care of you... T-this is all my fault, Mama. I-I'm such a failure." I said and Mingyu turned me around to face him.

"This is not your fault, okay? Your Mama wouldn't be happy to see that you're blaming yourself because of her death. This is not of you, death is a part of a person's life and there's always a purpose why people die. It means they've done what they have to and that they need to take a rest now... Okay? Stop blaming yourself now." Mingyu said and hugged me and caressed my back for an added comfort.

"I-I don't know what I'm going to do next... Mama is gone and I have no one with me anymore... No one." I said and Mingyu cupped my face and used his thumbs to wipe the tears from my cheeks.

"Hey, don't say that. You know you still have friends, you have me, you have your friends at school. Don't worry about being alone because there's always a person who cares for you. No other..."

"Than me." He said and smiled. I felt Mingyu's sincerity and his eagerness to lift up my mood. I admit I'm thankful that Mingyu came into my life and that I don't know what I would do if he never existed to my life. He did so much for me, he helped me through things, he always know how to help and lift up my mood, he saved my life and here... He came to join me attend my Mama's burial. He knew many things about me and did everything he can for me, and I don't even know how I can thank him for all of those.

Although bitter, I still forced myself to smile at him and assure him about everything which he understood at a short time.

Suddenly, I saw a man from my peripheral vision. Not too far from where we are, a man holding an umbrella is looking at our direction. I couldn't clearly see him because of the light fog on the area but when I tried to take a closer look, the man disappeared.

"The rain will soon pour heavily. Auntie, I promise to take care of Hana as much as I can and I hope you'd guide me." Mingyu said and I looked down on her grave and bitterly smiled, kneeling down to take one last stroke of her gravestone.

"Mama... I'll visit you here and tell you stories about my daily life without you. Make sure to keep me safe and wherever you are... I hope you're happy."

"I love you..."


Heavy hearted and cheeks wouldn't get dry because of tears still falling, I opened the front door of the house and the warm wind welcomed me along with four girls wearing an all black outfit and their hands of condolences warmly welcomed me inside our house.

"We're sad to hear the news..." Taeyeon said and wrapped her arms around me, resting my head on her shoulder and patted my back that only made me weaker, I started to sob once again and my hicks started to echo around the room.

"It's okay. You'll be fine, alright? You still have us and we'll never leave you, Hana." Taeyeon said. The sincerity they gave me is so overwhelming that I loved.

They indeed stayed with me and helped me lift up my buried below mood. I'm very thankful I have friends like them, who stayed by my side in tough times like this... I couldn't ask for more.

"If you wanted someone to join you here, just call anyone on us. We'll come right away, okay?" Hangyeol said and I nodded, assuring them with a smile before they finally left.

I sighed and slowly walked upstairs and entered Mama's room. Her scent suddenly played with my nostrils and it feels like she's just by my side..

I looked around the room and bitterly smiled before continuing packing up her stuffs to keep. Her clothes smells so fragrant and her favorite cologne is kept peacefully alongside with her old portraits and artworks.

"Ma... You're the best artist that makes the best arts..." I mumbled before kissing her portrait back when she's 18 years young, she looks so like me and her hair looks like Goldilocks'. I hugged the portrait once again before putting it on the last box and stack it up on the side of the room and stood on the doorway, taking my one last glance on the room before locking it.

The next morning came and nothing seems so special, only my eyes gave me humiliation as it looked like a puffed marshmallows under and above my eyes. Dang, it's so puffed.

"It's worth..."

I went downstairs and made myself a light breakfast and looked up on the internet on how to quickly make puffy eyes disappear.

"This will only take 10 minutes, I'm convinced..."

And well... It took me 30 minutes and my swollen eyes is now less swollen and it's now less obvious.

I placed a plate of food in front of me and the other one across the table, I placed Mama's apron on the chair with the food I made for her so it would look like she's still joining me for breakfast.

"Mama, when I come home later... I want to have ramen for dinner, okay?" I said with a smile though I know she wouldn't make it for me anymore...

"But.. Sadly.. You won't be making one for me ever again."


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