Part 16

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"Camping: 1."


The moment we both slid down, I suddenly lost myself and looked like I had a slight trauma about what happened to me up there, if not for Jeonghan catching me, I'd probably by now, lying on the hospital bed.

After what just traumatically happened to me, they decided for us to head back to the Campus so Jeonghan can take me home to take some rest.

"I'm sorry for what happened, Hana. I hope you'll be fine so we can have more fun Camping." Taeyeon said and I just nodded before entering the car.

I just sat down the passenger seat with eyes just fixated outside the car window and I suddenly heard Jeonghan's small scoff.

"You okay?" He asked and I just nodded, without even looking at him.

"You're quite pale. How can I help you?" He asked and I didn't yet responded.

"Do you want me to..." He looked at me and I just closed my eyes and sighed. "I want to rest. I think that scared the shit out of me so much." I said and he chuckled, "It sure did."


"Thanks for saving me, if not because of you... I could've died." I said and he stopped the car on red traffic light and faced me.

"Darling, I told you nothing can ever hurt you... Not that I'm still alive."

"Til death.. I'd still protect you." He said and the traffic light turned green and we drove off. He definitely know just how to comfort me..


Two days passed and today is the day, we're going camping.

It's only 4AM in the morning and Jeonghan and I are preparing our stuffs for the Camping.

"What about YoungHoon...?" I asked as I saw YoungHoon just silently watching us.

"I asked someone to take care of him." He said and looked at me and chuckled, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about our son. He'll be in good hands while we're away." He said and started taking our stuffs outside to put it inside the car trunk.

When we arrived at the Campus, four School Buses were parked at the Quadrangle and is color coded because it is said that the buses are identical so it might confuse the Campers and get lost to another School. I received a blue tag which means I will be boarded to the bus with the blue flag.

"What did you got, girls?" I asked and they raised their tags.

"I got Pink." Jae replied.

"I got Orange." Taeyeon answered.

"I got Black." Jihyo said.

"I got Black too." Hangyeol replied to Jihyo.

"I'll be separated to you guys then. See you there at the site!"

"What about you, Jeonghan?" I asked and Jeonghan looked away and placed his hand on his pockets.

"Pink." He said and sighed. "Hey, will you be fine over there alone?" He asked and I chuckled and patted his shoulder. "Yeah, see you there at the site." I said and waved goodbye to them before entering the bus and go to the window seat I boarded and well.. Surprisingly, I saw Mingyu sitting on the aisle seat, beside me.

I didn't forget what I have told him and just sat down quietly beside him and looked outside the window, the bus beside ours is the pink tagged bus and the curtain opened inside of it, revealing Jeonghan sitting beside Jae. He waved at me and I gave him a warm smile before the bus started to go and drive us into our destination.

I tucked in my earphones and played some soft, relaxing music to help me sleep since we'll be travelling out of the city, if I heard it right, if there'll be no traffic, it'll only take 5-7 hours and guess, it's still 5AM so we'll be there before lunch.


"Attention, students. We are now at the Highlands Memorial Campsite's Entrance, please prepare yourselves and we'll be at the Campsite's Quadrangle in 3 minutes. Thank you." The driver spoke through his megaphone that woke me up, but I felt quite strange that my posture looks different, I'm leaning on a shoulder. Particularly, Mingyu's shoulder.

I looked up at him and he seems to not notice it since he has his earphones tucked in too and his eyes covered.

I checked my phone and saw 3 missed calls from Jeonghan. It's already 12:06 and I looked out of the window and saw a wide wheat farm, there are golden fences securing it and my attention caught the big sign not too far away.

"Welcome to Highlands Memorial Camp!"

This Campsite seems familiar to me, I know Mama mentioned about this campsite to me and I just couldn't decipher what and why and when.

"Please gather as one group, according to your tag's color and fall in line as you follow the Camp Facilitator raising our School name." The professor said and one by one, we left the bus and fell in line as color coded. My knees is quite trembling since I haven't moved it for hours and I feel like anytime, I could fall on the ground.

"Ah! My back aches!" A line of orange tagged students from my school stood beside our line and the one grunted turned out to be Taeyeon.

"I think my knees are gonna dislocate. It hurts." I replied and she looked at me and smiled.

"Good Day, Campers! This is your Camp Hostess, Aerina. The Highlands Memorial Camp is a Campsite apparently owned by the Highlands Family who met a tragedy 57 years ago. The yatch they were boarded in had a small malfunction while they were 300m away from the land and no one was recorded to survive the sinking except for the eldest son and father among all 18 people." Aerina stated and gave the audience a small shock and small reactions started to echo.

"When the eldest son, Leo and his father, Law survived. They were delivered home and their mansion is located at the western wing, the mansion is completely accessible and you can tour around but not to touch anything. Well we can consider Leo and Law lucky for surviving the sinking of the yatch, but didn't definitely survived a plane crash." Aerina said and smiled all throughout the entirety of the students.

"You can now freely roan around the site and fix your tents, there are no rules such as by sectioning you by schools here because we wanted you to socialize with other schools. You can build tents side by sides at the 3.8 hectares wide grassland at the northern wing and your free time will end at 5:30PM SHARP." Aerina said and politely stepped down the stage.

"Taeyeon, where are they?" I asked and Taeyeon and I looked around the crowd of students around.

"I know I already saw Young Master earlier." Taeyeon said and shrugged.

"Oh, look at that... Fate is really playful." I heard a familiar voice behind me and I turned my back to see who it was and my jaw just dropped and kept me frozen.

"It's good to see you again, my friend."


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