Part 11

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"Nightmare comfort."


After a long time slow-dancing in the rain, the rain started to pour heavy again and lightning often strikes so we entered back the house before we get hit by accident.

I just finished taking a light shower and I am now having a warm soup for the weather, getting cold.

Jeonghan came and also had a bowl of his own soup and started eating while his other hand holds the towel, drying his hair.

"Oh gosh, I think I'm getting sick." I said as I felt a big sneeze coming through. Jeonghan just shrugged and continued eating, not minding about me.

"Well.. Have you enjoyed?" I asked after I felt the sneeze backed off. Jeonghan looked at me and placed both of his elbows above the table after wrapping the towel around his neck.

"To be honest, I never played in the rain before. I just... Always admired the kids out of the window back then, I saw how happy they are running around... Being wet in the rain." He said.

"Really..? Even at least.. Once?" I asked and he shook his head. "Not even at least once." He said and sighed, looking down at his bowl with heavy shoulders.

"And I'm happy you made me experience the fun you had—"

"AAAAAACCHOOOOO!!!" I loudly sneezed and spilled some of my food right on his face that made him close his eyes as he restrain himself.



I layed down the bed with heavy head, my throat also started to get dry and my nostril getting itchy. I closed my eyes and I felt my temperature started to rise and my head aching as my vision ran around.

"Hey, are you ok—" Jeonghan got cut off after he placed his hand on my neck to check my temperature.

"Damn, you're burning hot..." He said and quickly ran downstairs and came back with a basin with warm water and hankerchief. He sat down beside me and gently wiped the warmed hankerchief on my face.

"H-han, at least wear something to protect you for not getting sick as well..." I said between my snivels and he just chuckled, brushing back my hair.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine if I'd get sick as well. In that way you don't have to feel lonely being sick." He said and smiled before kissing me on the forehead.

"Gosh, you're really burning hot. You better take a rest for now." Jeonghan said and pulled the sheets to cover me up.

"Have a nice rest, darling... I hope you'd get well soon.."



"Damn. That's getting worse.." Jeonghan said and placed down a glass of water on the bedside and a tablet of medicine for me.


"A-aren't you going to school?"

"You're more important. School can wait and I'd literally sue the Campus if anything happened to you if I'll leave you just because I have to study." He said and I chuckled, tapping his shoulder and pushed him.

"Go, I'll be fine here. I'll have YungHoon with me." I said and he frowned, glaring at YoungHoon before looking back at me.

"Are you replacing me for YoungHoon?" He said and I raised my brow at him.

"When did I even chose one between you two? Just go, I'll be fine here." I said but he still interferred, crossing his arms and glared at me.

"I'm being nice here. Please accept me as I voluntarily take care of you." He said and I sighed in defeat. I guess I really can't convince him to go anyways.

"Fine, thank you."

"That sounds wrong, something's missing." He said that made me raise a brow at him in confusion.

"What's missing?"

"It should be, 'thank you, darling'. You should not only be submissive but also endearing." Jeonghan said that made me cringe. "Goodness, just let me rest." I said and hid myself under the blanket. I heard him chuckled and his light footsteps stepping out of the room.


"I'll burn you and your deceased mother, you dirty b!tch."

"N-no! Don't you ever dare.."

"You dirty people, pesters me!"

"No! Don't!"

Raul threw the bottle of flammable gas above Mama's grave and pushed me down as well that made me fall down the gravestone. He unhesitatingly poured the other gallon of flammable liquid and showered it upon me that somewhar started to irritate my skin.

"No! Don't do this!"

"You deserve this, both of you!" He said and opened a matchbox, though my vision slightly started to get blurry after my eyes got sprinkled by the gas, I could see Raul starting to unhesitatingly light a flame and throw it right at the spilled gas that quickly made up a big fire that started to set me burning and Mama's grave as well.

"N-no! Stop! H-help me!"

"Please! L-let me out of here!"


"Hana! Hey! Hey, wake up!"

Jeonghan's voice started to echo and I immediately sat down, panting and sweating like crazy, my hands trembled as my heart throbbed so bad.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here.." Jeonghan said and before I could even realize it, tears already kept falling down my eyes.

"Shh... It's fine, it's just a bad dream. Don't worry, I got you now.." Jeonghan said, locking his jaw as he worriedly looked at me who couldn't even look straight into him.

"Can I... Come closer?" He politely asked and I slowly nodded, his warmth slowly started to tempt me as he drew closer beside me and his hesitation somewhat bothered the moment.

"Can I wrap my arms around you?" He asked before he gently pulled the sheets to cover us and wrap his arms around me, his warmth is overwhelming me as I finally get to feel him.

"I may not know what have you dreamt about, but the way I see you being so scared makes me know how terrifying it is.." He said and caressed my back as his other hand stroked back my hair that had been slightly soaked in my own sweat.

"Gosh, you're shaking so bad..." He said under his breath and cooed me to loosen me from shaking intensely.

"I-I'm sorry... I-I just got so s-scared.."

"Shhh, it's fine. You're okay, I'm here to listen and stay with you." He replied.

"H-he showed up in my dream.. H-he burned me and Mama on the g-grave.. I-I'm so scared because i-it looked so real.."

"Who is he?"

"R-raul, my mama's husband." I said and continued to sob.

"Hey... Don't be scared. It's just a bad dream and it won't happen, not on my watch..."

"And no one can ever hurt you, not while I still breath. I will protect you and I promise you that no one can ever lay hands on you, darling." He said and kissed my forehead, leaning closer to whisper on my ear that sent me butterflies.

"Because I'm your knight and shining armor."


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