Part 9

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"Keep you safe."


"It's not what you think it is."

"Then what should I think of it? I saw how beautiful the event is and how the students enjoyed the party, don't down yourself."

"Oh, Young Master Han? What happened to your face? And... This girl, your lips?" The Headmaster's secretary noticed us after having a talk.

"U-uhmm.. There had been a small commotion earlier... And.. We're in there." I excused and the Headmaster nodded and chipped his nails.

"I'm glad you treated yourselves. Please leave the lobby so we and the other guests can have a meeting." The Headmaster said and Jeonghan and I politely left the lobby.

Sheesh, that's a close call.


"Does it still hurt?"

"Not anymore."

"Gosh, I bet it's painful. Mingyu's fists are huge and heavy." Jihyo said and I sighed, slouching on the table with eyes getting heavy.

"Why did they even got into a fight, Hana?" Taeyeon asked and I raised my head and looked at her.

"They were trying to fight about that time when Jeonghan's life is in critical condition. Mingyu decided to volunteer to donate blood since they're related to each other and Jeonghan just couldn't stop saying that if Mingyu regrets helping him live, then he should've just let him die instead."

"What do you mean related?"

"They're brothers—"


They altogether screamed right into my face out of shock of what I just said. Why? They never knew about it yet?

"H-how are they related?"

"Jeonghan's dad had an affair with Mingyu's mom. So apparently, Mingyu was just said to be a 'mistake'. But Master Yoon cannot let his responsibility slip off so he took care of his families and shared wealths. But Jeonghan cannot accept that he has a brother from another woman so it just happens that they hold grudges between each other." I said and sighed.

"Like you guys, I'm also shocked to hear this news." I added and slouched back into my chair.

"So I get it now. Hana, take care of yourself okay? This is not a joke." Jae said and I raised my brow after I didn't catched up what she means.

"Don't think about it. Just take care of yourself." Jae said and chuckled.


Hometime came and I am now with Jeonghan inside the car, waiting to arrive back at home. I didn't cared about my sorroundings and just closed my eyes and waited until the car stop back to the house. I felt like my body lost 90 percent of energy just by stopping this two guys fighting earlier and I have to go to sleep right away.

"Must be tired.." I heard Jeonghan said and I didn't bothered replying and just rested back.

The car stopped and so I exited the car and rushed inside the house because the sky is now getting covered by the dark clouds and thunder often rolling.

I entered my room and quickly changed, not bothering to eat dinner and just layed at the matress to quickly catch up some sleep.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I heard Jeonghan and he's on the door, standing and looking at me.

"No, thank you." I said and turned off the lamp. I guess he got that I am tired so he left and silently closed the door.

I suddenly woke up when I heard consecutive rolling and loud thunder noises. It's only 2AM and the rain is pouring heavily, the forecast said there's a thunderstorm so there, it happened.

I was about to lie back again when the door suddenly opened, revealing Jeonghan with earpieces and his hair disheveled.

"Can I... stay here? The thunder scares me." He said and I just nodded, he then sprinted to lie beside me and he hid himself to the thick sheets. I couldn't help but chuckle after seeing him getting scared over a thunder's noise.

"Hey, don't be so scared. You're fine." I said and pulled away the sheet so I can see him. I removed the earpieces from his ears and fixed his hair and patted his head.

"Thunders are really scary. But you shouldn't be." I said and I felt him grabbed me by my waist and he buried his face on my chest.

"I can't help but be scared. I-I'm sorry." He said and I smiled, finding it cute the way he gets scared because of the thunder.

I wrapped him between my arms and caressed his back to somewhat calm him from slightly shaking. So this guy isn't scared of dying but is scared of thunders? Unbelievable.

"It will soon pass, don't worry." I said and pulled him closer so we can share each other's warmth since the temperature is now decreasing.

"You're so warm—" He got cut off by the sudden roar of thunder that made him snuggle more between my arms, his body slightly shaking.

"Shh... Calm down. You're shaking so bad."

"I-I'm scared.." He said and his voice cracked, he sounded like he's crying so I looked at him and confirmed that he is crying, tears started to fall down his eyes that made me worry about him.

"Such a fearless boy to face death but to hear thunders, scares you." I said and wiped his tears and patted his head.

"Don't cry, you're safe."

He snuggled back between my arms and his breathing slightly tickles my neck. He sniveled before looking at me and assured me with a smile.

"You smell so good, as always.." He said in between his small snivels and I smiled.

"I missed your scent so much and now I'm getting drugged out by it again.. And... I love it." He said and closed his eyes and buried his face in my neck again and snuggled closer.

The whole time we just shared each other warmth and the scent of each other. The thunder kept rolling and rain kept pouring and I'm far more than glad that Jeonghan isn't feeling scared after all of it and fell back to sleep, in my arms...

I admired him beautifully sleeping and I got the closest view of his face while sleeping and it made me smile so big. Must protect..

"I'll keep you safe..."


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