Part 15

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"You got me falling."


That question definitely made the two of us silent and my cheeks are obviously heating up at the moment. Jeonghan wasn't even surprised at the sudden question and just continued eating and only stopped after a few minutes to look at Jihyo with a blank face.

"Maybe? Anyways, that's so sudden and should not be answered straightforwardly, as for the fact that I know you're years younger than us, Miss Jihyo." Jeonghan politely replied and continued eating, while Jihyo looks at me in suspicion.

"And even if I say yes, I couldn't possibly remember when."

He doesn't remember that... we kissed?

Oh crap, why would it even affect me? I did liked the kiss but why does it affects me that he have forgotten about it? Hmm... SUS.


After eating, we started walking around the mall to find useful things for this 2 day camp. I already bought a sleeping bag, a small backpack with paraphernalias inside, for camping and emergencies, a small set of first aid kit and a lamp.

"Now, let's check out some tents around. We'll go to that section, you guys can go together and meet us back here." Taeyeon said and they already left, I went to the section where I see some small tents that fits for a single person—wait.. That sounds wrong? For one person, actually.

"That's too dull. Just pick something bigger." Jeonghan said and I looked at some of the bigger ones and of course it somewhat gave me a pain seeing the price.

"They're too pricey. I can't afford them anymore." I said and was about to go back to get the smaller one when he raised his Black Card.

"Check out."

Damn, rich...

"Oh, that's a cute tent."

"I saw this one on the kiddie section and I kinda like it so I just picked this one."

"I got one from that aisle, it's all Navy."

"Hana, why do you guys only took one tent with you?" Taeyeon asked after we arrived, looking at the tent that Jeonghan is carrying.

"Jeonghan just persuaded me to buy that bigger tent. I couldn't afford it but he payed it himself—" I suddenly realized something and looked at Jeonghan with a brow raised. Maybe Taeyeon and the others got what I just realized and also looked at Jeonghan.

"I have a spare tent at home. I just worry that you might rustle yourself inside that small tent so I made sure to buy you this so you can sleep comfortably. And that tent wasn't of good quality." Jeonghan said and looked at me with a brow raised. "Anything else to buy?"

"Since we still have time, why don't we look around that side? It's quite crowded and I suspect something's catchy is there." Jae said and we all went there, carrying the stuffs we bought with us and to our surprise, that side of the mall is a big ball pit, there are kids and even oldies playing there and in the middle of the pit was a tall helter skelter or a slide that slids you down the ball pit, aw dang this is so fun.

"Oh my gosh, hold my shoes!" Jihyo said and happily jumped and tried to persuade us to play inside.

"It looks fun tho'. Shall we?" Taeyeon asked and everyone nodded, except me and Jeonghan.


I looked at Jeonghan and asked him with a look and he looked away. "I'll watch your stuffs instead." He replied.


And there he is, left on the side of the place, sitting while watching us inside the pit after deciding to just watch our stuffs and shoes instead of joining.

"Come on, Hana! Let's go to the slide!" Jihyo said and pulled me up the highest peak of the slide, and to measure it, I think it's 45 meters high and my eyes started to squint down and backed me away from sliding down.

"Aw, come on. Don't be scared." Jihyo said and pulled me but I removed her grip and stepped back.

"No, no, no. I-I'm scared.."

"Don't be scared. I got you!"

"No!" I said and stepped back again and missed a step on the ladder that warned me to fall down 45 meters from the ground. 

"No! Hana!"


Oh... I fell.

My eyes were closed and I waited for my body to fall on the ball pit below but it has been awhile and I opened my eyes seeing Jeonghan and his hands around my waist.

"You're okay, I got you." He said and my eyes just couldn't look away from his face that's being beamed against by the bright light. Looks like I'm looking at an angel..

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nervously nodded before standing up again and Jihyo and him helped me get back up.

"I'll slide down with you instead." He said that made me look at him with worry.

"Don't worry, I'd rather be here with you than see you fall down 45 meters to the ground." He said and Jihyo gasped. "Aw, how cheesy!"


Jihyo positioned herself to sit on the slide and in a matter of seconds, we watched her slide down the ball pit with a big smile from her face.

"Come on, lovers! We're watching you!" Jae's loud voice were heard even up here, Taeyeon got the camera recording us and some other people at the area were spectating that somewhat triggered my fear of people back again.

"Hush, darling. Just don't mind the people watching. You got me, right?" He said and helped me sit on the brink of the slide and he sat behind me, holding me and my heart started beating fast as I look down the pit again. Oh gosh just frickin slide down!

"Ready to fall?"  He asked and I nervously nodded and I heard him whispered to me before we slide down with me literally screaming like I'm about to die.

"Don't be scared to fall alone, you have me falling too anyways..."


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