Part 3

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"It's me..."


"Hi, uhmm... Did I startled you? Well... I just came here to visit you." He said and walked towards me, handing me the boquet of daisies but my hands wouldn't stick out to reach it.

"I picked daisies because I think it's something special for you..." He said and my heart started to pump fast as I think of lots of things and the confusion infused all inside me.

"H-how did you know I'm here?" I asked and he scratched the back of his neck and looked at me with unsure sentences backing him up.

"I... Uh... Got it from a close friend. And uhh... Here, I got you some daisies." He said and tried to hand me the daisies once again but my hands wouldn't still stick out to receive them.

"Why daisies?" I asked that somewhat hit him hard that he had a bit of conflict inside him to answer my question.

"I-I... I heard the news. Veronica died and.. I picked daisies because—"

"Because she loves it. How? How did you know she loves daisies and what rights do you have to adress her only by her name? Tell me, Reymond... W-who are you?" My mouth couldn't stop spitting those words and the desperation of confirming my suspicions towards all of the suddeness of his actions and presence.

"Tell me who you really are, NOW!" I said with the tone of authority and tears started to fall down and my hands trembled. Reymond just stood frozen, thinking of how he could respond to me and how he could escape my suspicions—which he cannot.

Finally, after a long time of having an inner battle. Reymond sighed and looked down before speaking.

"I'm your Father, Raul."

"Mama, where's Papa?" I asked and Mama looked down at me with a bitter smile and teary eyes.

"Hana, papa is not going home anymore... H-he.. He went abroad." Mama said and I pouted, crossing my arms at Mama.

"He didn't even said goodbye to me... D-does he not love me anymore, Mama?"

"Of course he loves you.. But... Papa has to go urgently so he didn't bothered saying goodbye to you."

But... Years have passed and I grew up still waiting for Papa to come home from abroad.

"Ma, when will Papa come home?" I asked. Mama sighed, looking so done after I have been asking her the same question over the years that passed.

"I told you, papa will not come home anymore." Mama said and I frowned, asking for a reason why.


"Papa has a new family now.. I know this is so much for a 13 years old kid like you to know but fooling you by saying that he went abroad irks me day and night... Hana, your papa is now with another woman and maybe... With his new child. Don't ever wait and ask me when will he come back to us because that will never happen." Mama said and there, I understood everything and as the years go by, I started to despise him more and more for it. And I promised myself that if ever he'll come back, I would never open the door for him again.

But... Today. He came back but I was too slow to realize it. He fooled me that day on the island. So which is why he's too fidgety and unsure of how he can answer my questions.

"M-my daughter... You've grown up so decent and healthy. I-I never thought I'd see you like this..." He said and was about to step towards me when I stepped back.

"I'm sorry..."

"But I don't have a Father." I said with full decision. He also broke into tears after hearing my words that seemed too impossible for me to even say.

"I-I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to leave you."

"You're sorry? Everything is too late for your sorry! Mama died already, she's gone and now I have to deal of this f-cking anxiety because of her sudden death! And you made this even worst by suddenly showing up and introducing yourself as my Father! You left us without even thinking twice, and now you're saying that you didn't mean it?! HOW DARE YOU!" My feelings can't stop anymore, my voice raising and my body trembling in so much anger.

"I'm so sorry... Please..."

"No! I would never accept you again as what I promised myself. Go back to your new family, they need you more than I need you because I never even needed you! You were never welcome to see Mama's grave and this? This is bullshit!" I said and grabbed the boquet of daisies and threw it on the floor. I know I look so disrespectful already but I cannot let this slid, now that I already confronted him.

"I'm so sorry, Hana... Please forgive me.. Come with me and I will take care of you."

"No! I will never forgive you and I will never come along with you, I can take care of myself rather than being taken care of a careless man like you who had no shame of even showing up here!" I said and quickly left the office with eyes full of tears. I ran as fast as I could and didn't minded the familiar voice that had been calling me while running with me on a chase.

When I reached the back of the school, I stopped and screamed in full desperation.



I loudly sobbed and didn't minded the person who chased me up on this place. I know he knows the pain I'm bearing right now and I'm pleasured with it.

I suddenly felt arms wrapping around me, patting my back, locking me in his chest while his chin resting above my head.

"I'm sorry..." He said in the most gentle voice that made me hug him back.

"I hate him... I-I hate him so much! I don't wanna see him EVER again! I-It hurts me..." I said between my sobs and I felt him nodded, kissing my forehead and continued caressing my back.

"I know... I know how it hurts. Don't worry... Let me help you relieve the pain, alright?"

Not even thinking twice, I know I can trust Mingyu's plans because he knows better.

I felt him cupped my face and raised it up so I can face his, he looked down on my lips and used his thumbs to wipe the tears from my cheeks before slowly leaning in to kiss me.



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